Chapter 12

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"Bonnie..?" I asked in a quiet voice, walking over to the red headed girl, concern and worry washing over me. "W-what are you doing here? How'd you even get in?" I sat down next to her slowly, feeling as if any sudden movement would startle her. Her hair was a mess, instead of its normal, silky styled self.

Bonnie slowly turned her attention to me, and the look in her eyes broke my heart. Her once bright blue eyes were widened in fear, and her face was lost of all color. There were no words that could describe how she looked, all I knew was that something terrible had happened to her. "...Spare key..." She uttered softly, so soft I had to strain my ears to hear her. She faced in front of her again, staring blankly at the floor.

"Bonn... What happened?" I asked slowly. She didn't respond. She just kept staring at the floor.

Soon enough, tears started rolling down her cheeks, a sob escaping her lips. She brought a sleeved hand up to her face and hugged herself with her left arm, squinting her eyes shut as she muffled her sobs. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around her small figure and held her close to me. Bonnie leaned into me, grasping tightly at my arm, her crying becoming louder.

I rocked us back and forth gently, whispering comforting things into her hair and rubbing her back gently. I couldn't believe what was happening, and it was crushing me to see Bonnibel like this. She was always so bubbly and happy, a smile always plastered on her face. What could've happened to make her look so... broken? Did something happen with her and Marceline? Or... something worse possibly? I didn't want to think about it. It hurt too much.

After a long, long while of trying to calm my cousin's wife down, Bonnie ended up crying herself to sleep in my arms. I looked down at the sleeping girl, running my hand through her disheveled, natural red hair. Tears stained her freckled cheeks and there were dark circles under her eyes, but she still looked beautiful nonetheless.

I don't know what happened to her, but I definitely know whatever it was, she did not deserve it.

I stood up carefully, Bonnie placed in my arms, and slowly made my way up the stairs to my bedroom. Reaching the bed, I laid her down as gently as possible, scared I would break her or something. For a moment I contemplated whether or not I should change her clothes into something more comfortable, but I figured she was comfy enough in her oversized pink hoodie and purple leggings. Plus, that'd just be weird.

I tucked her in, placed a kiss on her forehead, and went to my dresser to change. After getting comfy, I grabbed a pillow, blanket, and Hambo, and made my way back down the stairs to make my bed on the couch. As I walked across the living room, I couldn't help but notice a few bags and suitcases stacked near the door. One was opened and looked like it had a pile of dirtied clothes thrown into it messily. Bonnie must be staying here a while, I guess.

I popped in a random movie, turned off the light, snuggled up and watched the screen till my eyes felt tired and I fell asleep.


I woke up to screaming.

It was loud, high-pitched, and coming from upstairs. I shot up from the couch and ran up the stairs as fast as my tired legs would take me, and busted into the bedroom. Bonnie was thrashing around in the sheets, crying and screaming. My eyes widened and quickly rushed to her side, shaking her shoulders, trying to wake her up. "Bonnie!" I yelled. "Bonnie, wake up!"

Suddenly, her blue eyes shot open, wide and fear-stricken. She studied my face for a second. "M-marshall?" She reached out with a fragile hand, eyes glistening with more tears, and suddenly wrapped herself around my neck, hugging me tight. She was crying again. I hated seeing her cry. I sat on the bed and held her.

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