Chapter 4

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     I couldn't help but stay awake thinking about Marshall Lee. After our little moment on the porch I couldn't stop thinking about him. The soft feeling of his lips on my cheek still lingered as I lay under my pink comforters. I stared at the ceiling above me while I replayed the scenario in my mind over and over. We almost kissed, I thought, I almost kissed my teacher. Oh my, I didn't like the sound of that.

     I turned over onto my side and shut my eyes, attempting to fall asleep, but my brain wouldn't shut off. Pictures of Marshall flashed through my mind; auburn eyes, a lazy smirk, smooth porcelain skin. I tossed onto my other side, hoping I'd think of something else. All that came to mind was more Marshall; shaggy black hair that was as soft as silk. Lanky extremities and a toned body that has just the right amount of muscle. Broad shoulders and a slim waist, like a swimmers body, but godlier. Ugh! Get out of my head! I thought. I shouldn't be worrying about him, we haven't even been to school for a week, plus he's my teacher now!

     I flipped onto my back once more, agitated by the thought of Marshall's sexiness. He was too good looking and it wasn't fair to us ordinary looking people. Why did God have to pick favorites? Why couldn't he just look normal? Why did he have to be so hot?

     Looking over at the digital clock, I sighed, seven more hours till school starts. It didn't look like I was going to get much sleep so I should do something to pass the time, or tire myself at least. I pulled the covers back and stepped out into the frigid air to my bookshelf. Grabbing the copy of Warm Bodies Marshall got me, I turned on the bedside lamp and wrapped myself up in my blankets again. I opened the cover to see Marshall's little note again and smiled to myself, flipping to the first page.

     I ended up reading the book cover to cover, and still had about an hour left until I had to get up. I was exhausted and my eyes were tired so I thanked the heavens for that hour and slept my heart out.


Fionna, Cake, and I were trotting along the path to school in the cool morning air. The girls were skipping and making jokes while I slugged behind them, too tired to care.

"Hey, Gumball, you okay dude? You look... Terrible," Fionna said cautiously while her and Cake faced me.

"Yeah I'm fine, just tired that's all...And thank you, Fionna," I said sarcastically to her and continued walking ahead of them.

"You sure you're okay, sugar? Did something happen to you?" Cake hugged me from behind.

"I'm fine, I promise. Nothing happened, I just didn't get enough sleep last night. I'll be okay though," I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Alright, baby. As long as you're okay," she gave me a loving squeeze before skipping along to Fionna's side. I was lucky to have such caring friends like them.

We reached the school in no time and dispersed to our classes. During homeroom I ended up falling asleep on my desk while listening to the morning announcements. It was so nice sleeping, I almost forgot I was at school. I was suddenly awoken my loud smack on my desk. I jolted up and saw Mr. Ricardio looming over me, a ruler firmly gripped in his hand. His face was red with anger, but his features slowly changes into a creepy smirk.

     "Barnaby... Sleeping in class, I see. How naughty of you," his smirk grew as his eyes began to study me like I was his prey, "you do know what happens to naughty students, don't you?" He slowly got closer and closer to my desk, almost standing right next to me. Just then I realized that there was nobody in the classroom; just me and Ricardio. As he leaned down to my ear, I could feel his hot breath on my neck which caused me to shiver in disgust.

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