Chapter 20

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A week had passed since Marshall broke up with me, and I'd like to say I was doing just fine.
But I'd be lying.
I was practically alone. Marshall was avoiding me and Fionna usually ditched me for him whenever it came down to the two of us. I shouldn't be mad though, it is exactly what I asked her to do. Make sure he's not alone for too long. It was just hard going through this without someone right by my side. I guess I had Cake to talk to, but it wasn't the same considering she's still in a loving relationship; she couldn't relate to me like her sister did.

Fionna had ended her and Flame's short relationship the day after the lunch incident, which brought her and Marshall even closer. They bonded over a breakup and a new dislike for the hot head. She mentioned Marshall not liking the fact that she broke up with her crush because of him, but she obviously ignored his opinion. Flame wasn't too happy about that either. He even confronted the duo a couple days ago, calling them slurs. Most of his hatred was focused on Marshall, of course, but he still managed to get out a few 'whore's and 'slut's at Fionna. Cake and Mono instantly defended her and were able to get Flame to leave, thankfully.

Flame and Cam were the new hot topic around school. They were seen everywhere together and, of course, were liked by everybody. (Mostly because they sold the best pot in the school but let's not get into that.) They spread their anti-Marshall propaganda around, starting mean rumors and other bullshit to the idiots that would believe it, and soon enough they spread like wildfire. It was almost like every week there was a new lie about him that sprung up.

"I heard that Marshall actually got held back but is just pretending to work here so that he can save his ego."

"I heard that all of Marshall's old friends ditched him because he's gay now."

"I heard that Gumball was only with Marshall out of pity, and broke up with him because he was getting too annoying to deal with."
Etc, etc.

It was hard on Marshall, I could tell. Anybody who had ever liked him in this school had turned on him. He was upset, and it showed. He carried himself differently, he didn't joke around as much like he always did, and he even looked different. There were always dark circles under his pained eyes, his hair wasn't as shiny and wavy as it used to be, he even wore duller clothes. It was like he wasn't even trying to put on that façade he used to wear back in school. As if he didn't have the energy to even fake being fine. That scared me, but at least I could see how bad he was getting.

So badly I just wanted to just hug him, and tell him that everything was going to be just fine. But he wouldn't talk to me. And when he did, he just replied with short, vague answers. It hurt that he was pushing me away. His actions filled my mind with obsessive thoughts about him hating me. Hating me for ruining his life. Hating me for making him look weak. Even hating me for how I looked. It made no sense and I knew it, but I couldn't stop the thoughts. They brought my self-confidence down. Thanks, OCD, for making me feel even more like shit!

I sighed and ran a hand though my hair, breaking the strands free from the stiff, solid hair gel. Marshall had said he liked my hair down. Made me look less prissy. But that didn't matter now. There was a movie playing on TV but I hadn't been paying attention. Some Adam Sandler film. I huffed and stood from the couch. Pepper watched me.

"I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm not feeling it tonight," I said. Pepper swallowed her mouthful popcorn and paused the movie.

"You sure? Aren't you going to mess up your routine? It's only nine." I had strict routines that I followed every morning and night. Everything had to be done at a specific time or else the whole day could go horribly wrong! There were exceptions, however. Like when something wasn't done thoroughly enough, or if I was sleeping over at someone else's house. Nonetheless, bed time was no earlier than ten, no later than ten thirty. That way I'd get exactly eight hours of sleep and still wake up around five thirty and start my morning routine. Ridiculous, I know.

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