Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Welcome to chapter three, if you're still reading this. I apologize if this story seems kinda slow so far, but I gotta get all the background stuff in, set the tone and everything. Yatta yatta yatta. Most of this chapter will be flashbacks in Marshy's point of view, just a heads up. Bye guys! And sorry for the long wait😭❤️

"You're not helping Marsh!" My muffled voice yelled through the pillow. I felt Marshall plop down on the bed next to me, still giggling a little. He poked my shoulder.

Bubba~ come on, we need to talk, remember?"

     I lifted my face from the pillow and looked at Marshall, "Oh yeah," I tossed the pillow somewhere behind me, and sat up to face Marshall completely, "I want you to tell me about this whole thing. And about your "physical and emotional struggles". You should've called me, you know I would've helped you."

Marshall shrugged his shoulders, playing with his shoelaces, "I don't know, I guess I was just afraid to bother you again. I was depressed and isolated myself from everyone and everything. Hell, I barley even went out to get groceries!" Marshall sighed and his eyes met mine, "I'm sorry Bubbs, you know I am, I should've told you about it instead of avoiding you."

"Damn right you should've told me!" I was upset. Marshall knew better than this. We tell each other everything! Why didn't he tell me about his depression sooner? If he would've just talked to someone, maybe he wouldn't have be in this teaching job. Marshall could sense my frustration and he lowered his head, ashamed and guilty.

"Marshall," I whispered his name, lifting his chin up to look at me, "please.. If this happens again, you need to tell me alright?" He avoided eye contact but nodded his head slightly. I sighed and glared softly at him, "Tell me everything that happened, start with you're graduation."

Marshall took in a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Graduation night.
~Marshall's point of view~

I hugged Bubba once more, his comforting words circled within my head. The feeling of his lips against my cheek lingered. I would see him again, I would. I made a mental promise to him. He would never be too far out of my reach. He was always there for me, and I've told him everything. He's the only person I've ever opened up to. He probably knows me better than I know myself.

I knew for a fact that I'd always stay in touch with Bubba and the others, but deep down all my sad mind could think about was him moving on in life without me. He could become some famous scientist that cured cancer, and I'd still be here, living in a lonely house near the forest, writing dumb songs.

Bubba's voice interrupted my thoughts, "Hey... We should get going. You have a party to get ready for, remember?" Bubba smiled at me sympathetically.  I couldn't help but smile back, his smile was so charming, "You're right.." Is all I responded. We walked out of the door together.


     It was the next morning, and my place was a mess. I sat up from the couch that I was laying on, my back cracking in the process. I winced and looked around my living room. There were red solo cups and beer bottles scattered across the floor, along with random strings of shining tinsel, confetti, and little paper graduation hat decorations. Sprawled across the coffee table was a good friend of mine, Flame. He was passed out drunk, as where many of my friends that stayed the night, layed out in many different areas of my house. I sat up, my head throbbing. Memories of last night flooded my mind.

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