Chapter 10: The Date

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"Oh my goodness, this is so exciting!" Pepper exclaimed as she put various dishes in the dishwasher. I had just told her about the date today and she's very ecstatic, to say the least. "What are you two gonna do all day? And what are you gonna wear! Oh I can't take this! I'm just too happy!" She squealed.

I laughed at the red haired woman before me. "I don't know, Marshall said it was a surprise when I tried asking him. And I was thinking about something casual, Marshall isn't the formal type. Plus it's only our first date, I don't need to go all out," I said and picked up my phone to check the weather for today. Warm with clear skies. Nice.

"It's almost a quarter past 12, you should get ready soon," Pepper winked. "Don't wanna keep yo man waitin'."

"Oh glob, Pepper," I sighed, my face heating up. I made my way upstairs and into my bedroom, sifting through my large closet. "What to wear, what to wear..." I mumbled to myself.

After a while of pulling out different clothes and putting them back, I decided on a simple outfit. A baby pink Ralph Lauren polo tucked inside light mint colored shorts, paired with my favorite tan, suede boat shoes. With a matching belt, of course.

I smiled at the outfit laid on my bed before entering the bathroom and taking a quick shower. I brushed my teeth and did my usual hair routine before drying off, getting dressed and spraying on some nice cologne. As I looked at myself in the mirror I couldn't help but grin. I looked hot. Kind of dressed like a watermelon but whatever, it's still basically summer out still. Checking the time, I realized it was already ten till one, which means Marshall would be here soon.

Speaking of Marshall, I just received a text from him saying he was on his way. And here come the butterflies. I quickly grabbed my phone and wallet and ran down the stairs, almost tripping in the process.

"Aw, honey!" Pepper exclaimed once she saw me. "You look great! Oh, I'm so happy for you," she said hugging me. "Your mother would be so proud of the young man you've become. And your father too, wherever he is." I hugged her back, thanking her.

The ringing of a doorbell sounded through the house, interrupting our moment. "Oh glob, he's here," I whispered.

"I'll get the door, go wait upstairs and pretend you're doing something," Pepper said.

"Wait, why?" I asked.

"Just do it! You don't want him to think you're just waiting around for him!" She whisper-yelled. I rolled my eyes and ran up stairs as quietly as I could and went to my room. I heard her open the door and greet Marshall.

"Hello, Marshall Lee, nice to see you! You look so handsome! And that looks lovely! Come in, come in!" What? What looks lovely? I couldn't see.

"Thank you, you too, Pepper. You look gorgeous, as always," I heard him reply. I rolled my eyes. Typical Marshall to charm the lady.

"Oh, stop it! You're making me blush... Bubba is upstairs. BUBBA! You're lovely date is here!" She sang. I took a deep breath and exited my room, making my way downstairs again. I glanced at Marshall and instantly blushed. He definitely did look handsome. He was dressed in a light gray button down with the sleeves rolled up, a pair of dark wash jeans, and black leather Converse. Stunning. The outfit hugged his frame gorgeously. And his hair, wow. His dark, wavy locks were pushed back, but not in a slicked way. It looked as if he lazily ran a hand through his hair and it stayed like that. It was still messy, but like it was on purpose.

He made eye contact with me and instantly smiled. "You look great," he grinned. I blushed and smiled back.

"Thank you, you look amazing as well," I replied, looking down at Marshall's hands and noticing he was holding a potted flower.

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