Chapter 22 (part 1)

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"Marshall Lee?" Fionna asked in confusion, glancing me up and down. "Glob, you look freezing, come inside!" Fionna pulled me inside by the arm and practically threw me inside the house. It was so warm in here, literally and figuratively. I stood by the door as Fionna darted around the living room, gathering blankets and calling for her sister. As the blonde was wrapping me in a fluffy blanket, Catherine lazily entered the room from upstairs.

"What now, girl? I'm trying to watch Grey's Anatomy-" her eyes locked on mine. "Oh. Hi, Marshall. I see your date went well," her green eyes looked me up and down condescendingly. Fionna must've told her too, not surprising. I can understand why she's pissed, she shares a common dislike of Ashley.

"Yep. Thanks for noticing, Cake," I said bitterly, looking down. I wasn't exactly in the mood to be judged right now.

"Cake, leave him alone! Can you go make him something warm, please?" Fionna chimed in. Cake rolled her eyes but marched into the kitchen. Fionna shook her head and pulled me over to sit down on the couch. "She'll get over it," she shrugged, a warm smile on her face. I smiled back, clutching the blanket closer. Fionna got me another blanket and turned on the TV, holding my hand until Cake came back with two mugs. She handed them off to Fionna and shot me a glare before marching back up the cluttered stairs. "Ooo, hot chocolate!" Fionna beamed, passing me a red mug. "Thanks, Cake!" I wasn't exactly hungry nor thirsty but the cup was warm and it felt amazing in my hands.

The curvy girl upstairs didn't respond. Her sister shrugged and sipped her drink before turning her body to face me. She was dressed in comfy clothes, just sweats and an oversized t-shirt. Her beautiful long locks were pulled up into a bun on the top oh her head and her face was completely bare of any makeup. Not that she really wore much anyway, she didn't need it. Fionna was beautiful, inside and out.

"So," she started, blowing on her beverage. "You gonna tell me about what happened or should we just skip the talk and go beat up Ashley?" Fionna laughed. I smiled a little and shook my head at her, but the smile was gone as soon as it came. Instantly regretting that and hoping she didn't notice, I took a drink from the warm mug in my hands. I felt the warmth of the hot chocolate travel down my throat, instantly sending a warmth throughout my still freezing body.

"Did you walk all the way here or something?" Fionna questions, worryingly. Clearly, I'm not in a good place right now. Granted, I should have definitely seen this coming.

"Maybe." I mumble. I don't really want to recall what happened or even think about it for that matter.

"Why did you do that?! Where is your shirt?! Are you insane?!" Fionna completely explodes into mother-like worry.

"No, but I locked myself out of my car." I mumble again. Once again; Fionna doesn't need to know the circumstances behind it. What did I do to deserve a this shit? I just want a good, clean, nice, heterosexual life. It's not like I killed a child or a kitten. I just wanted to reconnect with my ex. Okay, so, maybe Bubbs and Fionna were right. I mean, they typically are but I tend to ignore their advice. I sadly take a small sip of my hot chocolate. It's good but it doesn't make me any less dead inside.

"Good glob, Marshall. How the hell do you get yourself into these things?" Fionna sighs, almost as if she's giving up on asking questions. Thank god for that.

"I wish I knew." I roll my eyes but not at Fionna; more directed at myself. Am I really that big of an idiot? I really thought Ashley had changed. People are capable of changing for the better, right? It isn't some super impossible made up human mentalism, right? Well, if it is then I haven't seen it happen yet.

"Well, warm up I guess. We can talk about it later." She pats my back softly. It offers little comfort but I can tell she's trying. I just want to know why. Why I couldn't get hard, why I thought about Barnaby, why I even initiated the sex in the first place, why she reacted as harshly as she did, why I thought she changed? Just why? If there is a god then what did I do to deserve this? I just want to be happy. Is that really too much to ask?

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