Chapter 7-- Day 2 of School

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Chapter 7:

"Hi Nichole!" I called out as I ran up to the school doors.

"Hey Em," She waved. "What are we going to do today in ML?"

"I dunno," I shrugged. "We'll have to wait and see."

I had thrown on only a thin shimmery ice-blue tank top and floral blue shorts. It had to be the hottest day in the year, even being outside was a pain in the ass.

I waltzed into my class and dumped all my stuff in my locker. Everyone was buzzing around gossiping with one another about their supernatural powers. I went over to join Miranda, Veronica and Tasha standing around Farrhan's table. "Hey guys," I said.

"So, what did you get for the M classes?" Veronica gushed. "I got Faery, it seems so cool, we can control people's minds with the right spell and transform things into something else! Apparently faeries excel at creating illusions and casting glamors but it seems really exciting! I can't wait to be able to disguise a piece of shit to look like an apple so Hunter can eat it," She broke off into giggles as I shook my head knowingly. Hunter had pulled Veronica's long braid yesterday, and now she hated him like no tomorrow. I had to say, it was pretty hilarious. But, if she tried anything like that, I would warn him.

"Farrhan and I are in vampire," Tasha said gleefully. Farrhan nodded along enthusiastically. "I'm not really convinced I'll like the whole blood-sucking idea, but the whole speed thing is awesome. A bit of sunblock also dims the whole 'we burn in the sun' thing too. But we can't sparkle!" She wailed. "That's so sad! I wanted to be just like Edward Cullen."

I rolled my eyes. "Edward Cullen is not a good role model, Tash. Get that through that silly, rainbow -filled brain of yours. FOREVER TEAM JACOB!" I cheered.

"But I like my rainbow-filled head!" She protested.

"Anyways, I bet you all know what I'm in, cause I'm in the same class as Miranda. Leviathan, in case you don't remember. Now, I'm going to go get the werewolf deets from Aaron." I informed them.

I walked back around the desks to my seat and plunked down next to Aaron.

"Hey, wolf boy."

He frowned. "Don't call me that,"

"What? You gonna bite me, wolf boy?" I taunted.

He growled and bared his teeth menacingly. "I just might..."

The smile vanished from my face.

Aaron grinned at me. "Just kidding," he sang playfully.

I scrunched up my face. "Not funny," I complained.

"Well, you should have seen your face," he chuckled.

I punched him in the arm. "Arrgh, you're so annoying!"

That split second of touch sent sparks flying up my arm. I froze, my emerald eyes gazing deep into his endless sapphire blue eyes. Then, I heard Hunter speak.

"Whoohoo! Guys, go get a room."

I huffed and rolled my eyes. "Hunter, we weren't even doing anything..."

"But still," He shot back.

I rolled my eyes again and turned back to Aaron. He was still staring at Hunter. "That guy really gets on my nerves."

"Ignore him." I said. Tell me about werewolves."

"Well," he started. "The werewolves in our year have to join the Honoria Pack once we change. We have to learn to fight and stuff." Aaron shrugged. "And there's this pack system, with an Alpha, Beta, normal wolves and Omega. I'm next in line for Beta," He said proudly. "Tell me about your race then, Leviathan, was it?"

"Yeah, it is." I filled him in about Leviathans.

"Wow, Emerald, that's amazing. When do you guys get your powers and wings?"

"In a month or so, when the blue moon appears." I replied.

"Oh, I think all of us supernaturals are turning then," he said.

"Wow, tell me about yours, ok?"

"I'll think about it." He nodded.

I turned back to the front to listen to the teachers.


"Yeah?" I answered, turning back to face Aaron.

"My brother, Al-- Damien," he said with a frown. "Is hosting this party at my place on Friday," he said hesitantly.

"And?" I prompted.

"Do you want to come with me?" he said in a rush. He looked up at me from underneath his long lashes and bit his lip.

"Hmmm..." I played for time. "I don't know if I should..."

"Pretty please?" He offered shyly.

"No, I don't think I will. I mean, I only just met you." I said casually.

A look of desperation shone through his sapphire blue eyes.

"Come on, Em." He pleaded.

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I would love to go with you." I smiled.

He smiled in relief and let out a breath of air. "Phew. I was thinking I was going to have to beg on my knees."

"I was just playing you." I laughed.

"Well now I feel used." He pouted.

"Awww, sorry Aaron. I wouldn't actually turn you down. Who else is going?" I asked.

"Oh, I think the entire grade is, except the ABC classes."

"Ok, cool. What time should I be there and where?"

He grinned, "Leave that to me. I'll pick you up at 9?"

"Sure." I told him where I lived.

"No problem. I'll see you there, on time." Aaron leaned closer to me. I tried not to sniff too much of his pine and rainy day scent as he loomed closer. "You look stunning," he whispered, his breath sending shivers across my skin.


"Oh. My. God!" I squealed.

"What? What happened Em?" Valeria demanded.

"Yeah Em, what’s got you so excited?" Elexia asked.

Laura was the one to realize what was going on. “He asked you out, didn’t he?”.

"He asked me to go to Damien's party with him!" I whooped.

"Oh gosh, seriously?" Valeria asked excitedly.

"Yeah!" I leaped around like a madman. "He also said I was stunning!"

"No shit," Elexia said. "You're stunning every single day."

"This is awesome!" I yelled, twirling around crazily.

I froze as Aaron walked down the stairs and into Damien's class with a tiny smile on his face.

"Oh no," I cried. "He saw my happy dance! My reputation is ruined!"

Valeria said, "Emerald, you're slap-happy. Calm the fudge down, for Christ's sake."

Elexia latched on to my arm and dragged me to the girl's toilets.

"Emerald, this is great news," she said. "We are coming over on Friday to help you pick out the perfect outfit."

"Thanks guys," I said to them. "I really appreciate this."

"Its no problem," Valeria said.

"Yeah," Elexia chimed in.

"It's what best friends do.” Laura finished.

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