Chapter 18-- Answers?

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_____Chapter 18:


After Aaron had taken me back home with huge smiles on both our faces, I crept up the dark driveway and silently opened the door, wanting to avoid my parents. Looking over both my shoulders, I walked into my room and flicked on the lights, revealing my parents sitting on my white sofa in the dark.

“Oh my god!” I shrieked, leaping back and clasping my hand over my heart. “Do you actually want to give me a heart attack?”

They stood up and crossed their arms in unison. “We need to talk,” Mom stated.

I sauntered over casually to my desk and sat down at the office chair. “Then talk,” I said in a calm demeanor, masking the whirlwind of feelings inside. On one hand, the remaining positive feelings from my date with Aaron were still there, but on the other hand, being around the two people who practically cut away a part of me brings out the worst in me.

“We just want you to know that… well we had Elexia’s mom take away your memories because we thought that it would make your life better.” Dad started, stretching out an arm as if I were an easily scared horse.

“You know how the others think, dear,” Mom continued, “If they knew about your brother, what would they do to you? Your social life would be nonexistent.”

“Well then people shouldn’t be so judgmental all the time,” I grumbled. “What did you tell the others then?”

“We told them that he moved to Canada,” Dad spoke up. “It’s far, and its viable.”

“But, the main point is that we only took your memories for your good, and we would never have done that otherwise. Like it or not, Emerald, what’s done is done. There’s nothing we can do to fix the past. We can only move forward.” Mom pointed out.

“We are still your parents, Emerald. I would rather have a happy relationship with my daughter than none at all,” Dad said pleadingly.

“So can you ever forgive us?” Mom said sincerely.

I looked skeptically at the pair. They both had dark rings around their eyes. Mom was dressed in sweats and a loose, baggy tee, which was very different from her usual immaculate, posh look. Dad’s hair was like a bird’s nest, looking like he had run his hands through it one too many times.  All in all, they looked bedraggled and exhausted. I gave a little smile and went over to hug both of them. “I understand why you guys did it now. Its okay, I’m going to get my memories back from Elexia anyway.”

My parents each gave me a hug and left the room. I took a shower, put on some comfy pajamas and fell asleep knowing I had mended things with my parents.


The next day, I went back to Sertia Forest College. Meeting Aaron at the front door, he took me to my room and left me there to talk to Elexia.

“I think I can help you with that,” Elexia said slowly, after I had told her the entire story. “I’m pretty sure my mom used a simple memory spell to lock away your memories. With luck, I can disable that and you will be back up to top shape.”

She then proceeded to twirl her fingers. I looked at her fist quizzically until I saw the mini whirlwind of purple glitter there. With a flick of her fingers, the glitter blew into my face. I breathed in the shimmering mist and blinked.                      

I remembered. Images appeared in my mind—

A chubby, black-haired boy reached over the side of the crib to grasp my little starfish hands.

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