Chapter 12-- Before the Storm

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Chapter 12:

The blue moon inched closer and closer with each passing day. Aaron finally managed to fish all of his clothes out from his pool, but the memory was still raw in his mind. He got me down from the tree eventually, coaxing me down with the promise of red gummy bears and blue M&M’s. I can’t ever refuse them sometimes. That was kinda sorta my weak point. Afterwards, he tricked me to the pool and chucked me inside. I went home wet-- but not after yelling at him first.

Hunter and I were joined at the hip, as per usual, and we had all moved in to Sertia Forest College. Every Friday night, we would have movie nights and popcorn fights and sometimes we would sleep over at other rooms. Aaron would join these activities sometimes, along with some other guys and his brother, Damien.

On the other hand, Tasha was being a total bitch and tried very hard to gain Hunter's interest. I had to watch that once--

I had just gotten to my classroom and sat down on my seat next to Aaron. Tasha had leaned against Hunter, pressing herself against him and trailed her fingers along his chest, whispering in his ear and pouting her lips (seductively?) He shot me a glance help but I just shrugged. *Cough* *cough* *whore* *cough* Hunter had to be the 'bad guy' and push her away. Tasha saw me glancing over though and cornered me after class.

"Seriously?" She hissed incredulously. "First Aaron, now Hunter too?"

I shook my head in a frantic no.

"Then get your paws off of my man, bitch," she sneered. Then she twitched away snarkily, with Nichole in tow. Oh, wait I forgot to say; Nichole had joined 'the dark side', as I like to call them. Or should I say, the 'Hunterlovers'.

I sighed and leaned against the wall. Some people just don't take no for an answer. Delusional, much?

Aside from that, everything has been just peachy. Anyway, tonight is the night of the blue moon. The only class we have today is our Mythology classes at twilight. Diare was going to prep us in time for moonrise. I got Lexie to clear out and Hunter and I spent some time together. Most of it was spent talking about random stuff like school and classes and such, but there was one important thing that stood out.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about something," he began.

"What?" I prompted, clicking around on my laptop while he fiddled around with my comforter.

"I’ve heard... You know Aaron’s brother, Damien? Well he kinda has a crush on one of your best friends."

"So? I already knew that," I perked up and turned to face him.

"Laura, I think," he continued. "He's tried to ask her out a few times, but she keeps on refusing him and he's getting just a little bit sad about it."

"Ohh, thats because Lau's practically in an anti-guy sorority with Lexie here," I laughed. "Should I give her a push in the right direction? And besides, they went on the one date. She hasnt called him?”

“Nope. But, I’m pretty sure Damien’s not as much of a douche as his brother is, so... Do whatever,” he was still a bit pissed at Aaron for being mean to me a few weeks back.

Aaron was fun to be with. He made me laugh, and that wasn’t something everyone could do.

We went back to talking about movies and other random shizzles until Lexie came back and kicked Hunter out of our room, saying that I would see him later and didn't need to be so clingy. He huffed and gave me a hug, mock punching Elexia as he walked out of the room.

I closed the door with a devilish smile on my face. "I know what you’re thinking." I sighed again. “There’s nothing going on with me and Hunter, Lex. Get it through your head.”

Lexie rolled her eyes and walked on over to her closet, flinging open the doors and ruffling through the clothes inside. Our room was a mass of contradictions. My side was-- Yeah, you guessed right-- blue. Her side was a mix of purple and pink. All my stuff was cool and cold. All her stuff screamed warm and sunny.

I walked over to my closet and slid open the doors. Almost every item in there was a shade of blue. My eyes darted to the section dedicated to bareback tops. I took a dark blue fitted tank top and a pair of denim camouflage shorts and put them on, throwing my hair into a high ponytail. I turned to see Elexia dressed similarly.

"So are we going over to Val's before heading down to the grounds?" I asked.

"Yeah, we are."

"Okay," I grinned evilly. "I need to have a chat with Laura."

Elexia rolled her eyes. "What are you up to now?"

"Oh, Damien likes Laura so I have to persuade her to drop the anti-guy thing with you."

Lexie gasped in astonishment. "But then I'll be alone!"

"Fine, then be a loner." I smirked. "Brett's so obviously into you, Lex. You're the only one who can't see it."

Elexia blushed a fiery shade of red.

"Ohhh! You like him don't you?" I crowed.

"Ahhh..." Elexia faltered. "Lets just get to Lau's" She flung open the door and scurried out, knocking briskly on Val's door.

When Valeria opened the door, I barged inside, screaming, "Elexia likes Brett!"

"Whoa, seriously?" Valeria exclaimed. "Good for you, girl! I mean, I thought you were all anti-guy like but it seems you've dropped that silly idea. “She frowned. "But what about Laura?"

"What about me," Laura asked, emerging from the bathroom toweling her still wet hair. "You're going to have to drop the anti-guy thing, Lau," I said. "Because Lexie's already fallen for Brett, we don’t have to do anything about that, but you, my friend, are going to need some work."

"Why?" she whined. "I was perfectly happy on my own."

"But now Damien's in the picture, Laura!" I protested. "Hunter told me he's feeling kinda down about it."

"Really?" Laura's eyes widened. "I thought he was just joking around."

Wait, is this seriously happening?" Valeria said. "I mean, I never thought all of you would be sorted this soon! Like, I always imagined Elexia to suddenly come out of the closet and say she was a lesbo, and Laura to remain forever alone or something," she pondered.

"Hey!" Lexie exclaimed. "Val! I'm not going to be a lesbo!"

"Ah, never mind," I said. "Laura, just go on a date with him. Throw the guy a bone there, okay?"

She sighed. "But what if it doesn't work out?"

I put my hand on her shoulder. "Save the what if's, sister. Just go and see if it works out."

Laura sighed again and agreed. "Okay. But I'm warning you," she glared at me. "If I make a mess out of myself, its all on you."

I chuckled. "Okay, sure thing. Now come on, guys, if we don't get down there soon, Diare's going to tan my ass."

We raced down the corridor and onto the school grounds, where everyone separated and went to their different meeting points.

"What happens tonight will affect you all greatly," Diare said gravely, wings shimmering in the orange light of dusk. "When the moon reaches its zenith, you will all enter the change. Now I'm not allowed to tell you what its actually like, but," she paused. "You won't forget it." 

By now the sky was darkening and the sky was steadily turning navy, revealing the glittery stars in the sky and the full blue moon hanging in the center of it. Diare fluttered upwards, rising above everyone to hover in the sky, silhouetted against the blue light of the moon. I grabbed Laura's arm and squeezed it nervously. She sent me reassuring smile in return. 

"Into the forest!" Diare shouted, and with that all the students turned tail and sprinted into the forest.

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