Chapter 20-- Something Fishy

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Chapter 20:

The cafeteria was so quiet that someone could have dropped a speck of dust and we would have heard it. I couldn’t shake the image of Kristopher’s devilish grin as he called down the lightning. A black bolt of lightning had appeared on his face, streaking across his eye. Every time I blinked, I saw his features imprinted on the backs of my eyelids. The headmaster spoke up. “Emerald, may I see you in my office please?”

I squeezed Aaron’s hand, gulped, and started off after him, hearing the buzz of conversation as the students immediately started chatting about the revelations of the night. After walking down many hallways, footsteps echoing in the silence, we finally reached the headmaster’s office and entered through the oaken doors.

“Please, have a seat, Miss Grace.” Mr. Stryker commanded and sank down into his leather office chair. I suddenly remembered a similar situation when I had sat down in another council member’s office, but the situation wasn’t as dire as this.

He picked up the phone and dialed in a series of numbers. Within three rings, the other side picked up. “Skylar, there’s been a situation. Get here STAT.”

He put down the receiver and picked it up once more. “We have a problem. Code Blue.”

He made another call, saying similar things to the previous

He cut the line and set down the phone. “Emerald, all I need to know is whether you want to go rogue.”

I swallowed. “Of course I don’t want to! Kristopher’s days as a rogue has done something to his soul—there’s no going back for him. Even though he’s my brother, I wouldn’t go rogue for him. He wants to take over the world and kill all the mortals! There’s no way I would help him with that.”

Just as I had finished speaking, two sharp raps sounded at the door. “Come in,” Mr. Stryker called, silver eyes not leaving me.

The werewolf pack leader slunk into the room, the faerie queen waltzing in after him and the vampire coven leader zipping soundlessly in.  They settled themselves on the plush leather couches at the corner of the room and gazed at the headmaster impassively.

“Whatever has happened, Edmund?” Emmaline Sarahs’ voice sounded from the balcony doors as she glided in, her shimmery violet wings glinting as she retracted them into her back. She settled her petite, lithe body on the couch and shifted her gaze to the headmaster expectantly. I was now in the presence of all of the council members.

“The top rogue came to campus and took a total of 8 students. They also revealed plans to enslave mortals on the night of the spring equinox.” Mr. Stryker said brusquely, almost as if he were predicting the weather. “Kristopher Grace himself threatened Emerald to come or else he would make war. We have reason to believe that the fate of the mortals hinges on her alliances. With their numbers, they are a very powerful threat.”

“Start training everyone. We supernaturals have to stick together against a threat, and this is a big one. I’ve seen the stats, and we don’t stand a chance of winning if we are all separated.” Vladimir Rokolov, the vampire coven leader said in his deep voice.

“Yes. I agree with what Vladimir has pointed out. Even if it means putting our people in harm’s way, it’s worth it.”

“But we won’t attack unless they make a direct approach,” Emmaline Sarahs chipped in.

Me, being amidst all of that war planning, suddenly stood up. “Wait, wait a second.” I looked around at all of the council members who were suddenly willing to risk thousands of lives for me. “Why are you doing this? I’m not worth all this risk for millions of others. I can guarantee that my brother will be ruthless in order to get what he wants. I remember.”

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