Chapter 19-- Office & Cafeteria Business

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Chapter 19

I was in the corridor of the Paranormal Council Building, pacing around and glancing at the time.  When the digital numbers on my mobile changed to 4:00pm, I walked tentatively to the ornate wood door of Emmaline Sarahs’ office and knocked briskly on the smooth surface.

A strong female voice replied, “Come in,” and I reached out to twist the doorknob and enter the room.

The room smelled slightly of lavender when I walked in. The furniture was made of white bleached wood and furnished with lavender and rose colored fabric, embellished with beads and sequins. There was a large window along the outer wall, and in the light, was a figure behind a desk. I walked towards the table and stood by the edge.

A woman with grey-streaked hair stood up and held out her hand. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Emmaline Sarahs, Supreme Leviathan of the Paranormal Council.”

“P—Pleased to meet you too,” I stammered. “I’m Emerald Grace. I believe you know why I’m here?”

“Ah, yes. Please, sit.” She said, gesturing to a plush lavender sofa. I sat down silently.

“As I understand, you are a Leviathan who is able to control all the elements. May I see a demonstration?”

I nodded as I stood up and spread out my white wings, dimly shimmering in the afternoon sunlight. Focusing, I held out a hand, palm up. Flickers of flame appeared at the tips of my fingers. Then, water filled up my hand and extinguished the flame. Ice frosted over the water in my hand until I was left with a block of ice. Green shoots sprouted out of a crack in the ice and bloomed into a beautiful rose. Then, a gust of steaming hot wind sent it wilting and the ice melting. Finally, the water and ice all gone, a miniscule purple cloud coalesced into existence. Focusing a little, a frown creasing my forehead, a tiny thunderbolt blitzed into existence, followed by a boom of thunder, and then a sheet of rain. After that, the clouds faded away and I closed my palm, retracting my wings and sinking back down into the chair.

“Spectacular.” Emmaline mused, tapping her chin with a single wrinkled finger. “And you wish to master the art of spirit, don’t you.”

I nodded. “I am not very clear with what a mistress may do with her powers, therefore I asked my mentor to request for an audience with you.”

“Very well. Let us start with the basics.

“Spirit is a very temperamental element, and, like its name suggests, it is more of a mental element than physical. The word spirit can also be construed as one’s conscience. Therefore, spirit has the power to bend someone’s will, and that is the most devastating power anyone could have. You could also tell whether someone was lying, or what they were truly thinking. There are basically no limits. Through spirit, you could talk to ghosts. With a picture, you could understand what happened before and after the moment it was taken.  But, the physical manifestation of spirit is not always needed.”

With that, she held out a hand. A purple ball of plasma-like substance congealed above her skin, emanating a lilac glow all around. “This sphere of power is enough to bring down the Empire State Building. But to convince someone to do the right thing, or if you wished—to control someone, you have to modify it a little.” The purple sphere turned slightly transparent and shivered.  “Everything else is done within yourself.”

I nodded slowly. After repeating her actions for a few times, I closed my palm. “Thank you for enlightening me, Ms. Sarahs.”

“Before you go,” Emmaline reached out and laid a warm hand on mine. “I wanted to talk about your powers. I think you have more potential than using one element at a time. You have white wings for a reason. Think of it as a blank canvas. Paint your future.”

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