A week later....

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We trained the whole week after that day of Axel at my place. Though every time we trained Axel never saw his improvement, I noticed. His instincts are sharper and his reflexes faster that I didn't have to tell him what to do as much.

During the week we started on his healing training, and though at first he pretty much broke every bottle, he now has more control over his clumsiness, but still makes unbelievable poisons. Nowadays, we focus on his healing and fighting until he's able to begin the third without being overwhelmed. I've never let him out of my sight (except in the restroom for he wouldn't go unless I leave him be) and we sleep together every night.

His boss didn't take his absence for the 2 days of training lightly. So, we had to rearrange our schedule to match with his work schedule, which the Alpha of course left to the Beta.


I looked down at Axel. We were in my room, snuggled in bed, and I woke up first. I waited a moment before realizing he was talking in his sleep. I felt a slight blush and kissed the top of his head. He moaned in response and I had to restrain myself from attacking him.

"Forrest...mmm...more....", he moaned almost desperately.


My heart began to race and the gears of my mind were at work with thousands of ideas of what he could be dreaming about. Then sudden realization hit. I wasn't the one making him beg, it was the me in his dream.

Something inside me boiled. The thought that I was being ridiculous for being jealous of a nonexistent being didn't even cross my mind. All that mattered was that an imposter was doing impure things to my Axel!

"Mmm...Forrest...so good..."

I snapped and kissed him awake. He moaned and his eyes immediately snapped open, his eyes meeting mine.

"Mmm!", he moaned some more, shutting his eyes as a blush invaded his face.

"Mmm! Forre-! No more...!", he pulled back and began gasping for air, "Forrest, what the hell...!", his blush still there.

"Only I can do that kind of thing to you, no one else.", I was hovering on top of him.

"What are you even talking about??", he blushed more at our position.

"No one but me can touch you or kiss you or do something beyond that."

Axel's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I'm not cheating on you if that's what you think? Forrest why would you think that?"

I shut my mouth, the thought that I was being ridiculous for being jealous of a nonexistent being now crossed my mind. I was still on top of him, and I knew I had to give him an explanation but....what do I say?

"Forrest...?", his face twisted in concern and I didn't want to keep him like that any longer.

"Uhh...", he waited expectantly, "I don't want anyone other than me doing those things to you....not even the me in your dreams...", I felt my whole face heat up for confessing such a thing.

His still looked confused, "What? Umm, a nightmare?"

"No, weren't you dreaming about..."

"Me?! Wait this all started because of what I dreamt?? Don't tell me I was talking in my sleep."

...wait...don't tell me...

"Axel...what were you dreaming...?"

He chuckled a bit embarrassed, "Ahah, that you kept on cooking for me and I couldn't stop eating. Your a great cook...even in my dreams."

I froze in shock.


I laid my head at the crook of his neck, too embarrassed to even look at him. Not only was I jealous of the me in his dream, but I completely misunderstood what was happening. I feel so dirty minded...

"Oh, Forrest, could it be you thought I was having a wet dream? Wait, and you were jealous?"

I groaned in embarrassment, burying myself deeper into his neck.

Axel laughed his heart out. He didn't stop laughing until a few minutes later when I pushed myself up and pleaded for him to stop. There were tears in his eyes, rolling down the sides of his face.

"It's just...I feel so special, hahaha!"

I started to get up but he hurried up to kiss me, "Haha, you're so cute."

I mentally groaned, you're the cute one.

Haii!! •__• okay so pretty much a sucky filler chapter with some fluff~ Thank you lemon sponges for zhe votes and those who've stayed this long!!!! Really means a lot for a noob like me!! Please comment/feedback, it'll probably help me improve my writing and such. Andddd yeah...so again: THANK YOU FOR ZHE VOTES!! And please comment •v•

Hope y'all have a better day!!

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