She has returned.

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I knew the Alpha wasn't in her throne room at the moment, but in her house. I walked in and headed to her room, but was stopped when I noticed she was in the living room.

With clipboard in my hand, and ready to report, I went into the living room only to be slapped in the face by what She was doing.

On the floor, a fish tank playground of some sort was placed. It held Forrest's guppies, from what I could tell, and other fishes that the Alpha probably got. Normal enough. Not when the Alpha was holding up a mirror to the fishes to confuse them.


"Hmm~?", she hummed, already aware of my presence.

I sighed, I didn't have time for this.

"Axel managed to explode the lab room in the healing cabin again...but...we found something interesting from the explosion."

Her eyes widened, twitched, and closed as She let out a calming sigh.

"...this is getting boringly unoriginal...", She muttered under her breath.

I knew what She meant.

"Tell me what ya found.", She demanded.

"Y-yes!,", I looked down on my clipboard, "In the explosion-"

"Hold on. I thought we removed all explosives from that lab."

"We did, however Axel brought something in..."

The Alpha looked pissed, "He snuck in explosives?!"

I cleared my throat, "Let me finish. He was making the original level 2 healing potion, and added what he brought. Glitter glue."

Her eyes furrowed in confusion, "And that exploded?"

"Yes,", I said annoyed at the fact she was more focused on the explosion than putting glue in medicine that was to be consumed, "but there's something else: the glittery glue thingy acts like a healing bandaid-"

"Healing bandaid?"

"Yes. It heals slowly, not in a speed that is obvious to the naked eye when we stare at it. I'm guessing it would take at least...4 hours for the wound to be completely gone."

She was absolutely interested in this discovery, "Show me the wolf you used this on."


"Huh...Claudette, what do ya think of the glittery goop on yer scraped knee?"

"It feels fine, it's like there's a wind on my knee. It's not hot and gross like with a bandaid. And it looks like magic!!", Claudette said with awe.

We were outside and the pack that came down to our territory called other pack members over to see this. Axel watched nervously with an arm of Forrest's over his shoulder in a protective manner. Things were looking good for him at the moment.

"Hmm, Claudette, I'm going to peel this off, okay?"


Everyone held their breathes as the Alpha reached towards the glue bandaid. This had something to do with Axel, there had to be a downfall to it.

In one swift motion the Alpha pulled it off and the girl flinched. Everyone immediately looked defensive as if her flinch was proof this thing was another of Axel's mess ups.

"How's it feel?", She calmly asked her.

"Just like taking off a bandaid."

The Alpha smiled and the pack began to look and murmur to themselves as if they never suspected the glue bandaid at all. Heheh, hypocrites.

The Alpha stood up, and everyone went silent.

"No one is to use this,", she demanded. Axel's face fell and Forrest's was filled with rage. The pack members looked at each other with nods as if this thing was dangerous. I made no reaction, trusting my Alpha had reason. "Not until I test it on myself, and see its effects."

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief. Protests were shouted.

"Axel should be the one tested on! You're too important!"

"Axel made it! He should be the one to be tested!"

"This was made by Axel! Nothing good will come from it!"

"This is Axel we're talking about! He'll be the death of this pack!"

The Alpha had enough and barked terribly loud with such anger, the pack fell onto their knees in submission.

"I've had enough,", She barked, "what sorry excuse of a pack are we if we're willing to give up one wolf over another due to status?!", heads lowered in shame as She continued, "We are werewolves! Throughout the ages, we've been hunted down, tortured, and been treated inhumanly for being who we are! We never did them harm yet they attacked us! When we do attack for our own self defenses, that was proof of our hostility and danger to them! We can't survive by ourselves out there! We stay in a pack to protect one another! Have you all forgotten that?!", no one could answer, it was as if everyone had something stuck in their throats, "And you'd sacrifice for status?!"

Everyone knew this wasn't about Axel and his fancy bandaid anymore, this was about our integrity as a pack. As family.

I stood by the Alpha, not affected by her Alpha tone. So was Forrest, but he knelt by Axel who couldn't resist it. The Alpha sighed in exhaustion.

"Stand.", everyone obeyed, "There is a war coming, if we continued on like this, we'd be there fighting for ourselves! We are the Night Sky pack, we are known for our acceptance and integrity! And we won't lose, for we fight for everyone in the pack!"

We looked at our Alpha in awe, that fire behind her eyes, that strength, that leadership, it felt as if after all these years our Alpha returned.

"I am your Alpha. I won't fail you a second time. And if my Alpha blood were to be defeated by this bandaid, I'm not worthy as your Alpha."

Okay, so I'm not really proud of how this chapter was written, but I feel like I shouldn't keep y'all waitin like this. I thank everyone for the votes and comments!! You guys keep this story goin. Please comment any confusion for this chapter, and I'll edit it to be less confusing. Also, I changed the pack's name to Night Sky cuz when I was writin it, it felt oddly similar to Fairy Tail speech moment and I'm not tryin to copy anyone. Thanks again lemon sponges!!

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