Everyone's Nervous

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Two years. Two more years until Forrest comes of age in finding his mate. What should he do? He can hardly wait! He wasn't excited, per se, but very veerry anxious. The thought really scared him. A mate? For him? Someone you'll spend the rest of your life with? Forrest couldn't imagine such a thing. In all his 15 years of life, nothing could've prepared him from this sudden realization. He's always been alone, isolated, kept in place. The only thing he's done for himself was escape from his former pack to Night Sky. The freedom his Alpha gave him was enough stress to handle, now he's got to deal with this mating bonding thing?!

Forrest gave a sigh. The young teen currently laid on his blue bed, completely surrounded by blue. The light from the window was neither too bright nor too soft. His desk was cluttered in a messy fashion rather than a neat one. Not only was his desk messy, but his entire room. The floors were littered with crumpled paper, the corner had an ever growing pile of laundry forming, and his bed wasn't made, but had the blanket hanging onto the side, and the bed sheets losing their grip on the mattress. For a young man, such as himself, this was the messiest this room has ever been.

Knock Knock.

Forrest didn't notice.


Lavender slowly opened the door, "Forrest?".

Still, Forrest was too deep in his worries.

Lavender sighed and looked around. The desk was so dreadfully untidy that you couldn't even see the fish bowl! She sighed once again, walking into the room to try to find the fish food container. Who knows how long they've gone without food.

"I fed them just a while ago."

Lavender snapped Her head to face Forrest. "Just makin' sure...", She sighed, putting the container on the desk. She stood there waiting for him to speak again, but seeing him stare back into nothingness had our Alpha sighing once more. She walked towards him, sitting on his unmade bed.

"Overwhelming, I know.", She said in a low voice, yet even so, those words penetrated through Forrest's train of thought, making him look at Her.

"Very.", he let out in a scared sigh.

Her eyes softened at the young pup, "Oh man, I came here afraid that you were overthinking things again. Care to share your thoughts?".

Forrest looked away, debating the idea, then gave in.

"I'm scared.", he grumbled.


"I'm always alone. Just one day having a person right there that's going to spend their whole life with me, and we'll love each other so much? Such commitment and...and suddenness! I...just don't know...what to feel about that...".

Lavender frowned, "Well, they're not going to come right away, so you'll have time to prepare.".

"I'll be as ready as I am now, by the time I'm 17...", he replied in certainty.

She sighed. After a moment's pause She softly said, "You're so...reserved...that I thought you'd be more excited about this."

"I am, but..."

Lavender smiled, taking Forrest by surprise, "It's alright,", She reassured the young wolf, "All werewolves have been through what you're going through. "

He sat up, "Really?"

She chuckled, "Yes."


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