Seperate, for now.

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"Well, since we've recorded all the data into you journal, we should get the other wolves from our pack to help in recreating and improving the Glam Glam Goop.", Daisy told me.

"Have some patience with them,", Grinlo spoke, "they aren't as friendly to other pack members like us. It may take awhile."

That sent a tremble down my spine. I forgot not all Light Claw wolves were like Daisy, Arthur, Oren, and Grinlo.

"It'll be alright,", Daisy reassured me with a hand on my shoulder, "You turned Arthur around! And he's one of the really stubborn ones."

I smiled up at her, she's so nice.

"Am I permitted to go along as well?", I snapped my head to Forrest at his question.

Daisy slightly hissed and bit her lip in worry, "I'd have to clarify that with our Alpha..."



We all slowly turned our heads to Forrest.

"Why not?", I asked.

He glared at me for rudely questioning him, making me literally bite my tongue and look away.

"First off, my pack has a heavy history with the Starr pack, and these wolves Axel will be interacting with have a near direct connection to the Starr pack. Your Alpha's medic has managed to calm a majority of the wolves from a few hours ago, I don't want to put William's hard work for nothing. Plus, we'd like someone with his talent to come under our wing for training."

"Second, I don't see you doing any beneficial activity towards the project. Certainly you have much more important matters to attend to rather than puppysitting your mate all day? Not to mention, my medics are still going to need a week to heal all the major injuries your Alpha was afflicted with."

He turned around, gesturing for us to follow him. I turned to my mate with a worried look,


He looked so down in the dumps!

"Forrest, I'm sorry! I don't know how to f—"

"No no,", his rough palms caressed my cheeks, thumbs moving sideways, "He's right. I need to trust you more, and help the pack."

I frowned at that, but his kiss made me frown and blush.

"You'll be alright?", I asked, feeling his hands that were on my cheeks.

"Will you?", he countered.

"As long as you are...", I mumbled.

"Then I guess neither of us has to worry."

He kissed my forehead, as I laughed.

I ran to catch up with the others, and Daisy looked at me with wide eyes, "Sometimes I forget you're 17, newly mated.".

I felt the heat fill my whole being.


I was more than fairly irritated to be separated from my beloved under such circumstances, but I casted the feeling away just for Axel. I headed towards the healing cabins to meet with Lavender. As soon as I entered, the heads of Light Claw wolves snapped towards my direction in surprise. She was awake during the treatment.

"What is it now?", She asked with a tired smirk.

"Thought I'd help out with the pack and everything else."

She tried to laugh but ended up coughing in pain. The wolves freaked out and tried to calm Her down. They must've been under strict and dire orders to not mess up in Her treatment.

"Well, I'd like to keep these guys' jobs simple, so just go to V—...Beta...", the mention of a Violet put plenty of wolves on edge. She had a reputation after all.

"Also, tell him to act as if you were Alpha."

Eyes widened at Her, including mine.


"That's an order, Forrest.", with that She sent me away to go look for Beta.


"Ah, guess it's to get some Alpha experience.", Beta muttered to himself.

I remained silent.

"Well, an Alpha's job is to guide and lead their wolves forwards. Though a wise Alpha would understand that we must sometimes take a few steps back to continue forward. An Alpha is also a role model. They must be what we need them to be. Alpha's don't have room for selfishness for this reason. The Beta acts as a counselor and secretary for the Alpha, but the Alpha mustn't just go along with whatever the Beta says. An Alpha doesn't think for themselves, but for every single individual in the pack, which is very important for an Alpha to know their followers very well."

He continued this for another 10 minutes. I listened to every word dropped from his mouth.

"And finally, since you don't know the pack like the Alpha, nor have you any experience in leadership, I'll be like a mentor or a teacher for you, at the moment. Feel free to ask me questions, and we'll also be sticking together until the Alpha completely heals.", he finished.

"Alright.", I said in a monotoned voice.

"...that's it? Alright? No questions?"

"I'm good.", I confirmed.

"Phss, of course you are...", he muttered under his breath.


I updated :,D

So proud...

Anywho, thanks you my dear Lemon Sponges with Capes!!! The lot of y'all are so kind and understanding :)

As we see in this chapter, I'm putting focus back on our main lovers since I've been straying again, and separating them for awhile!!

I'm really thankful for all the comments and votes xD!!! Even if they're negative comments, feel free to type it. All comments help me in writing this story.

I'd also want to apologize for the earlier chapters about smut, most likely raising hopes that there'll be some anytime soon. I was thinking it at the time but then realized it would shift the whole story idea xD

That'll be it, I hoped y'all enjoyed the chapter, and thanks again for voting and commenting :,)

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