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"I'm scared, Mixen...that boy...that boy!...he's like...a recording of Violet...Violet, my mate."

"...", Mixen kept quiet for Lavender to continue.

"He seems unaffected by the mating bond, he works for that old man, he even lives with him for Goddess's sake!! Then there's our a record of me, I can finally see..."

"Lavender,", Mixen growled, "ye still haven't told the boy about Violet! All he is know is that yer mates and how long it took ye'll to find each oth'r!! WHAT IS FORREST TO YE BOTH?!"

Lavender jumped from the change of tone, then tears began to fell, "He's our son...our son..."

"Yer son who never knew yer mate, his other parent! All he knows is the past...the war that killed Violet, yet the war ye got him from! I know that boy tries his hardest to forget it, lock em...horrible...memories away. But let words jog his memory. Some closure to help ye both."

"Do I have to tell him abo-"

"Lavender,", Mixen looked into her eyes and Lavender saw the ancient eyes that's been alive for 150 years, "Listen to yer hearts deep down...under everything, listen to yers and Violet's."

Mixen stood up, towering over Lavender at 8 feet, "I know ye'll do what is right."

He made his way to the door of Her house.


He turned his head to look at the still laying Alpha.

"John, I'm sure he's a lone wolf. Death will show him mercy."

Mixen huffed exasperatedly, "Lone wolf! Ye wolves revolve yer world too much on mates! Love doesn't equal romance! Love equals many things! Oh just he wait..."

He began mumbling his plan out the door, leaving a smiling Lavender.

"That's what you told me 14 years ago."



I made my way up the stairs to Forrest's room. From outside I could hear nothing, but once opened, I was shrouded with love, peace, and hope for the future. A feeling only Violet gave me. I calmed myself from turning mad. I so longed to feel this way again, but I'll only accept it with Violet. I look at the conversing lovers who hasn't noticed me standing there. I couldn't help but watch, it felt so...nostalgic.

"Forrest.", I bursted out to unconsciously save myself from going down memory lane.

They both looked up, surprised. Axel soon recovered but Forrest gave me the same look he only gave me, like how he only gave the same look to Axel only. Look of love.

I immediately snapped out of it, "Can we talk?"

Forrest didn't move, but Axel stood up.

"I'll, umm, leave both of ya guys alone, haha."


"Waffles would be lonely.", he reasoned.

I was so deep in thought about what Mixen told me to do that I have forgotten about that orange cat. By its size I could've sworn it was like us, but apparently not. That thing began being by Axel's side like Hikkums to Violet, and Wolower mate...

Axel went down the stairs, and Forrest looked about ready to panic. I could see that Axel was doing this as a test of some sort for him.

Though he was annoyed, Forrest didn't blame anyone.


"Violet,", I began and already I saw the gears of the past turning in his head, "You don't know her, and I want you to."

Forrest took a shaky breath which was heart breaking for me. He's so strong.

I sat by him on the bed, "Violet and I, our past and how the war everything started..."


I didn't wanna look through the pantries for a snack since the Alpha was here. It's not like the first time she saw me stuffing my face with Twinkies with the mindset of: Mmm, just one more.

Turns out those were Her Twinkies. Forrest was snickering behind her as they both saw me reaching for another. The Alpha held a blank look and then said, "What's one box to a hundred."

I grew flustered from the memory of it. Afterwards, Forrest hugged and watched me eat the Twinkies, looking away every time some of it were at the corner of my mouth.

I snapped out of it and began wondering what they were talking about up there. Must've been something important. I sat on the couch facing the large window. Waffles purred, rubbing at my legs before viciously attacking it. I activated play mode and played like a cat with Waffles. We tumbled, pounced, and snuck up on each other in the living room. After an hour we both calmed down. An hour more, we were on the couch, her head on my lap as she took a nap. Then both of us were sleeping.

I woke up at the scent of Forrest's drawing near. Waffles' ears pointed at the noise of their steps, but that's all she did. Forrest and the Alpha both looked deep in thought, and it was obvious that the thought was somewhat a sensitive topic. Despite it, however, they looked...relieved. Forrest sat by me, resting his head on my shoulder. I looked at my mate lovingly and allowed him to rest. Then I felt a stare on me. I looked at the Alpha, and strangely enough She wasn't looking at us but at me. As if I proved a point. She smiled a sad yet proud smile, as if something were for the best.

"Axel, I'll tell you when you're ready"

I looked at Her confused.

"But from now on, call me Lavender."

My eyes widened in shock, "L-Lave- N-No! Alpha-!"

I tried to tell Her how I couldn't, I grew up referring to Her as Alpha! But She just laughed. She laughed the way I never heard Her or anyone in that matter laugh before.

"Axel,", She looked at me with such happiness, "thank you."


:D.....:D.....MKAY new chapter woohoo!! And sorry for a week of nothing, I have no excuses. Also thanks for the votes and comments!! I love reading everyone's comments, and yes, even the bad ones! Good ones keep me goin, bad ones keep me in check. So yeah, Y'all met Mixen! Ya read only a part of their conversation, which is VERY important to this story. Also what Lavender said at the end is important as well. Lots of John POVs will be coming up soon. Also, y'all read about Mr. Owner and how he had some connections to Violet! That's important too! As the story goes on y'all will read about how important Violet was and what she did and why. Oh and also, at the end of this chapter, we see Lavender accepting Axel and getting attached. THAT is very important to the story an y'all will see why ;D Again thank you lemon sponges!! Have a better day!!

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