The First Memory

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It's been a month since the previous chapter. In that time, Totem Tears' defeat against the forces of Light Claw and Night Sky in Light Claw's camp had spread. They would've been a laughing stock had the matter of these two packs cooperating not been serious. Each pack in the area were starting to prepare themselves for a war coming. It was the Night Sky who started this worry, it was their fault a war happened and will happen again.

Crow's Death, Hollow Bane, Totem Tears, Crescent Dawn, and last, but not least, the Starr pack. The five packs Lavender had angered. Lavender's home pack was Crow's Death, but due to the Alpha's acute ways in handling the pack, She grew tired and decided to start a pack of Her own. She took in the rogues coming from the three other packs, including the only heir to the Starr's, Forrest Starr. The Starr pack was the strongest pack in the area, but as Night Sky grew in numbers with each wolf trained to unbelievable feats, Night Sky dominated the top.

Then Violet came.

The wolf who changed it all.

The wolf known to destroy packs one by one.

That wolf was mated with the Alpha of the rogues.

The five packs took action, placed all differences aside to take down what would've been the most deadly pack around. Other packs wanted no part in this war, and simply fled the country. Once the five packs formed a sneak attack, they followed it through and successfully caught the Night Sky in a shock. Despite Lavender and Violet being genius strategists, neither had experience with each other in battle. Violet went ahead to fight solo like she's always done, while Lavender rushed in without a plan in order to defend Her mate. It was one pack against five. An army of a hundred against thousands.

There was almost no hope in victory. As Violet saw the wolves she spent time with, the pack that treated her like family when no one else would, she stopped. The Alpha that was supposed to be defending Her pack was defending her. Violet felt guilt. Sure she slaughtered packs and left the innocent to become rogues. Sure she showed no mercy to children and their families when they knew too much. However, despite it all, she couldn't just continue to be protected when everyone else dies. Then it happened.

Violet's throat had been cut by a wolf. Everything went in slow motion as wolves stopped to look at what just happened, Lavender turned to check on Her mate only to see her dead on the floor. Lavender morphed into a human, collapsed next to her mate, and tried to wake her up. But those eyes that stared blankly never looked back at the eyes of its mate. Lavender's vulnerability at this point was too good to pass up. Starr pack's Alpha leaped over wolves to finally kill the other mate. But during that time, Lavender traced Violet's blood to its killer. At the sight of him She screamed in rage, morphed into a wolf, and took the wolf's neck in her mouth and bit down hard. The head hung onto thin strands to keep it from falling off completely. She kept on, mutilating the body beyond recognition of what it is. Wolves that were around Her backed up in fear at what happened to their comrade. His underbelly ripped, organs being scratched out into shreds, the throat slowly making its way out from the inside. Blood wetted the paws of surrounding wolves. No wolf deserved this brutal death. It was watching a person be viciously gutted in pure rage and hate, nothing of his insides being carefully drawn out, just clawed out easily. It was no wonder all the wolves stopped their fight. All but one. When Starr's Alpha came, He targeted Her throat but to no avail. She shook him off and went after all the other wolves who smelt of Violet's blood. Wolves began retreating. Former friends of Lavender from the Crow's Death pitied and stared at her one last time in nostalgia before retreating. They knew Lavender was "dead" now. The Alphas stayed to finish the job. But even with one Alpha against five,  they couldn't fight properly. Lavender just charged and charged, fought nonstop, never did She stop moving. Crow's Death's Alpha's hind leg had been near ripped to shreds which caused Her to be an easy target. Lavender took advantage of that and killed Her off. Totem Tears' Alpha retreated, He didn't want to risk leaving His pack without an Alpha, as he cared greatly for them and found being killed to be too selfish. Crescent Dawn decided to retreat as well, due to his troops being the most killed off. Starr's Alpha was left. A man who always won his battles and wasn't about to lose this one. But Lavender went after Crescent Dawn's Alpha since it was the wolf from his pack that killed Violet. Starr's Alpha ran after Her.

Once She found the heart of Crescent Dawn's territory She slaughtered every wolf in sight. The howls and yelps that came from the wolves and pups as they were literally torn apart was gruesome and sickening. Pups, expecting mothers, the sick, the elderly, the Alpha, She killed them all off until it was Her and Him left. Starr's Alpha. She was panting from exhaustion, it pained Lavender to breath, but not as much as losing Violet. She wasn't even conscious, She wasn't herself. All she knew was Violet is gone forever. Starr's Alpha was tired as well, they stood staring at each other from a distance while they caught their breaths.

"Pathetic...", Starr's Alpha panted, "You threw the pack you've built for so long under the bus to protect your mate!"


"And still...she died."

Lavender's sanity snapped, tears and emotional rage making Her shake as She launched at Him. She tried hard to kill Him, but Her body couldn't keep fighting for so long. Starr's Alpha threw Her off Him, but She landed on Her paws. He struggled to get up, but when He did He couldn't move. Lavender took a step closer. He tried to step back, but fell and regained His posture. She took slow, steady steps towards Him, until visions of all the wolves she mutilated before Him, visions of a pack she mutilated before Him forced Him to drop his pride and retreat. He limped and dragged out of sight. Even He wasn't that cruel to His enemies. When Lavender tried to follow, She fell, and laid down eyes open to reflect on what took place.

She continued to bleed out until She became unconscious, apologizing to Violet before passing out.


A bloodied pup reeking with the scent of the Starr pack walked to the bloodied Alpha of Night Sky who was being treated on all sides in the middle of the camp. Growls could be heard from every wolf, but they stayed down, leaving their Alpha to take care of it. As the pup made it 5 feet away from where the enormous Alpha lay, he stopped and looked the Alpha dead in the eye....

"I want to join."

...with these words, everything changed once more.

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