Part of Violet's Theories

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"Ooh!!! What's this one?! Akenakdj- NEVERMIND! Ooh!!! Look at this!! Ah! This one I can rea....- MOVING ON!"

Axel went on like this on all the new fancy chemical labels stored in the cabinets of his new, and refurnished lab. Today was the occasion for two things:

1) Axel and his new lab


2) Our Alpha trying out the Glam Glam Goop.

That's Axel came up with for band aid...



I was so deep in thought, I was taken by surprise when something kind of exploded. I looked to Axel, scared for his well being. However, he looked happier than ever.

"Look Forrest!! Now making Glam Glam Goop isn't so dangerous to make anymore! Wow! These flasks and cork like things are great!!"

I let out a held breath that was terrified for my mate's life.

"T-t-that's great!!", I stuttered, making my way towards him and wrapping my arms around his slender waist, "please don't kill yourself."

He only giggled in a weird, deep way. I chuckled at his adorableness. I sighed once more and buried my nose in the crook of his neck. He continued on with glee.

I continued watching him. He quickly mixed different liquids together. His speed and confidence looked so professional, I believed it. Then he stopped.



"Can you...get off me?"

My arms tightened around his waist as a reply.

"I meant, like, go sit on that stool and watch from there! It's kinda hard to move..."

I gave in. I guess I should give him some space. When I did, his hand reached over to gently wrap their slender and beautiful fingers around the narrow part of the flask. I stupidly got jealous of a goddamn flask. Then he let go, as if he forgot something. My eyes made their way back up to his as he made his way towards me.



His lips were...on mine. When his lips were there longer than the usual peck, I moved my lips open, making his move similarly. We were making out. We were making out! Holy shit, it's been so long since we've made out! Lately he only gave me pecks and nothing more. Even for when I kissed trails on his neck, he'd quickly give me a peck to stop it all. I cherished our little moment, until he pulled away, panting like a dog, face hot and pink. I felt my breathing go heavy at the sight of him. He looked at me with longing, longing mixed with...reluctance. Like he was holding something back.

"Axel?", I whispered.

He sensed my realization and snapped out of it. He quickly pulled me back into a kiss. Like a peck. Then hugged me. He was lightly rubbing my sides and back with his hands while looking up at me with glistening eyes. I would've been turned on and ready to go if it weren't for my great desire to comply until he was ready. I looked back into those gorgeous brown eyes.

"Please sit on the stool?", he asked.

This time I obeyed with no objection in mind. I felt his state as I made my way to sit, when I did and saw his expression, it was of lust and disappointment.

Axel snapped out of it quickly enough, and went back to work. At first he did things much slowly as if preoccupied with a nagging thought, but as he mixed and mixed, he began increasing speed. I watched as this actually happened before me. This wasn't professional at all. Sure he was quick, but his confidence wasn't in him knowing what he's doing, but from....curiosity.

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