Best of Both Worlds

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Axel and Forrest got out of bed to make some breakfast together. Axel had a bit of a hard time walking, so, Forrest just carried him! Down the stairs and into the kitchen he sat Axel down on the counter. Axel was handed a bowl of eggs to break and whisk, while Forrest chopped the vegetables and meat. When Forrest turned around to check on Axel, he was puzzled to see yolk on Axel's hair and shirt. Forrest snickered, turning back around to pretend he didn't see anything, but Axel demanded some help with this whisking thing.

After they made their omelets, they gave each other their plate to decorate with ketchup. Forrest was so at ease and lost in his own world of decorating, this was for Axel, after all. On the other hand, Axel began his decorating with squeezing the bottle too hard...

They gave each other back their plates and Forrest chuckled at the sight of smeared ketchup everywhere. Axel felt flustered at seeing such a curvy 'I love you' accompanied with hearts on his omelet. Axel looked at Forrest who was about to dig into the ketchup soaked omelet, but he took Forrest's plate away, stacked Forrest's omelet atop his, and place it between them to share.

"Omelet cake?", Forrest asked.

"Double the love?", Axel grinned sheepishly.

Forrest smiled at his odd mate before taking a piece to feed Axel. Axel followed along, and the whole breakfast through, they fed each other. Forrest finally got that 'best of both worlds' fantasy.

Hey guys. Sorry for the late updates. These past 2 months were too full of stuff. I hope y'all enjoyed these chapters :) all y'all deserve some after such a long period of silence. Thank you all for your support and comments AND votes! It's all so motivating to read. I love you all for being such lemon sponges, this story would've died a long long time ago, hell, before it even started If it weren't for y'all keeping me goin. Negative comments and positive ones, they've both helped me grow into a better writer with more confidence. Thank you so much.

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