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After our Alpha's speech, everyone was filled with determination and continued on with their training. Axel and Forrest trained with even more hope and motivation. Mixen returned with John, and they both seemed to have...changed?

John looks like he's no longer lost in life, and's as I must be imagining things...


...No, there's something definitely different yet similar to John, he no longer looks lost.

I stopped my staring as my Alpha continued to walk. I followed Her like a lost pup. I would usually act aloof and above Her, but not after that speech. Not after She's back.

She headed straight to the healing cabin and I got confused as to why we were here. She headed to our only lab. I grew flustered at my ignorance. Of course She would head here. Man, that speech has put me off by a lot.


I perked at her, my heart skipping, until I realized She wasn't calling for me, but for Her mate. Man, I'm so stupid.

"Violet.", She said more sternly and I knew it was for me this time.

"Y-yes, Alpha.", I stuttered.

"Heh,", She chuckled, "what's got ya all lost in thought? Yer hearing can't be that dull.", She tried to act as if She wasn't calling for Her mate the first time.

I would've called Her out on it and mocked Her, but that of course didn't cross my mind at the moment.

After a pause (probably expecting a comment from me), She continued, "I guess it's time we've put this lab back to its proper use, don't ya think Violet?"

"Yes, Alpha."

"But first,", She said darkly, "let's test Axel...".


The Alpha called us over. Well, She called me, but of course Forrest is having none o' that. So here we are, in the training grounds with the big Boulder. She stepped over to us in wolf form, and demanded us all, but Forrest, to shift. She introduced Sally to me as my partner.

"Partner for what?"

They all remained silent. Forrest didn't like the secrecy behind this and was about to demand some answers when the Alpha silenced him.

"You will fight Sally, as a test for all yer trainings."

"Ah ok, cool!", I smiled.

However the mood was still grim. Terribly grim.

"Get into positions.", She ordered.

Me and Sally stood across from each other, 7 feet away. We looked each other in the eye for respect. Mine held confusion, meanwhile hers held the same grim expression as the Alpha and Beta.

"Axel,", She began, "Sally will be yer partner for fighting. She is yer final test after all yer trainings."

Okay, that doesn't sound too bad...

"We all know that you are a special case. Ya got special training. So therefore, ya get a special test."

Yeah, that's fair...

"Ya started late, meanwhile Sally didn't. However, the war we are going to is more dangerous than most wars in our history. We are going against at least 5 other packs. And Axel,", She looked at me with sympathy and a smile,

Here it comes...

"Won't ya rather die by a pack member?"

I froze on my spot and looked at Her fully, then back at Sally who's expression didn't change. Forrest morphed into a wolf and the Beta held him down.

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