The Perfect Time to Not Lose Control.

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In the past few weeks, our two werewolves have been lacking in some time spent together. Anxiety swelled within each of them at the results of being apart for too long, but of course, the idiots feel exactly the same for each other as they've always have.

So much for, "Then I guess neither of us has to worry."

Back to the topic at hand, both packs' scents mingling with each other more than usual has aroused great unwanted attention. A pack of rogues cooperating with a pack of doctors and scientist didn't seem too appealing to opposing packs. In fact, Light Claw's camp has been attacked and their Alpha nearly lost His territory to the Totem Tears pack if it weren't for the Night Sky. After winning against their opponent, Light Claw had a much better attitude toward Night Sky, which was much needed, especially with the other packs finally catching on and attacking so soon.

Worried about another attack happening, Light Claw's Alpha, Gilbert, talked to our Alpha Lavender and both had agreed in positioning half of Night Sky's fighters in Light Claw's camp along with half of the medics to aid them. Mixen, John, Claude, and Sally were among those fighters, and of course, William as a medic under Light Claw's wing. Mostly due to his persistence in staying close with his mate. The Beta had one less duty with the house empty of shaken wolves, and he focused in guiding Forrest through the steps the best he could, never allowing his age difference to intimidate him. Forrest would've been getting the hang of it right away if it weren't for his mind constantly wandering off to a certain wolf. Speaking of that certain wolf, Axel was doing just fine with the other wolves, though he wasn't much himself. Daisy, Grinlo, Arthur, and Oren comforted him in their own ways to make Axel feel better.

Since Axel and his parents couldn't risk the humans' safety, they stayed in the camps, which meant our beloved, precious, kind, and overly orange Waffles was spending some good ol' quality time with Mr. Owner dearest! He was notified of Axel's absence for some period of time, and had to close down part of his business, but it didn't affect the Wolfie's Woofing Care.

Going back to the camp, our Alpha has nearly fully healed and is able to walk, the only thing to complete full recovery was just some physical therapy to get Her back to normal. She checks up on Forrest and Violet once in awhile, pleased with his progress. While Forrest should be feeling pride in pleasing his Alpha, the thought of Axel has been growing as heavy as a burden. He was getting anxious and more desperate to see his mate, and when those few times he's able to catch up a bit with Axel come, each visit seemed like the last. This behavior worried Axel, and wasn't going unnoticed by our Beta. Violet talked to Forrest about it, and discovered Forrest could have a breakdown any moment. That's when he knew Forrest wasn't just being a clingy mate, but a mate in painful heat. He shuddered at the thought of what Forrest could do to Axel if they waited any longer since it seems that Forrest hasn't exactly...released himself like he should've around the days they've first found out they were mates.

The Beta consulted the Alpha for advice and She pardoned Forrest's training to stop while he catches up with Axel as soon as possible before it becomes a violent scene. She first talked to Gilbert (Light Claw's Alpha) about their situation and He reluctantly agreed to excuse Axel's presence from the group, without telling the group members why in order to spare the lovers from embarrassment.


"'re very strong, Forrest, and we don't want to risk you doing...something you might regret.", Lavender explained to me, the Beta at Her side.

"So, I can be with Axel now?", I just wanted to leave and rush to my lover.

"Y-Yeah, alriiight...yeah.", I didn't care about the discomfort She felt, I just wanted to be with Axel.

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