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Forrest and I were outside. I was waiting in the middle grounds of our territory, while Forrest filled in the Beta on my training. I got bored just standing there so I decided to walk around. Forrest's head turned halfway to me,


"I'm just gonna walk around, okay?", I widened my eyes and smiled.

He clenched his jaw and sighed in defeat before letting out a hesitant "alright".

I walked around the edge where there was shade and stood there, observing the details in the earth. Does Forrest observe every detail in life like this? I thought to myself with a smile. I was snapped out of my daze when I heard John's group trying to keep John from going over to where I'm at. I now stared at the ground terrified as I listened to the group that bullies me.

"Dude, just leave him!", Dave whisper-yelled, "That guy is obviously his mate!! We'll be skinned!!"

"I don't care!!", John was louder and obviously pissed off, "They are not mates!! If they were, why didn't the Beta or Alpha say anything?!"

Dave was lost for words.


John was about to walk over to me again when the group was again trying to restrain him. I knew he gave them that terrible death glare of his when all was silent but those lone footsteps of his making their way towards me.

"Oh my! John what a lovely and I mean loovely surpr-!"

"Shut it!"

I cowered in terror at his larger frame.

"Hey is that Alpha's boy your mate? Don't fucking lie to me!!"

My palms were getting sweaty. Why does this concern him? Does he enjoy bullying me that much?

"J-just leave me alo-"

"You're begging to get hit."

My eyes immediately shot up to meet his with fear, "Y-yes!! He's my mate!! Don't hurt me!", I looked down again shutting my eyes. He never did hit me, he just watched me as his group beated me up, spitting out harsh insults.

But all was quiet.

I looked up and saw shock and pain in John's eyes.

"What do you mean he's your mate?!", I couldn't register what he was saying while he looked like that, "What?! You guys are trying to hide it?! Huh?!"


"What?! Too good all of a sudden to speak to me?! Answer me!!", he grabbed both of my arms tightly and oddly enough, I wasn't scared. His eyes were glazed as if about to cry.

Why is he so mad...?

"Answe-!!", I wiped a tear that slid down his left cheek. I looked back at his eyes and all there was was the pain that never left from awhile ago.

"John, why are y-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Forrest spoke from a few feet away.

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