I guess he returned too?

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I returned home after tending to Axel's wounds.  I didn't want to continue my duties after the stress today. I'd be looked at weirdly like back then. When I returned, Hikkums at first hesitated greeting me, but soon got over it and went on like usual. Though still curious and suspicious about my sudden change.

"Beta? Beta, you're a bit strange. Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong.", I replied telepathically, ", If anything, everything's great!"

Hikkums listened as I explained my excitement of finally being able to be myself due to my Alpha's change. I could finally serve the great Alpha she is! The one who completed the Alpha training at such a young age! The founder of such a unique pack! The one who actually went through after Violet's death! Oh the very thought of serving such a wolf sent shivers down my spine!! I haven't felt like this since...well, since Violet!! He listened to all this and I petted his soft fur as I spoke in a daze.

"I am happy,", Hikkums whispered, "as long as you are happy..."

I only thought of his words as the usual kindness one would say to someone they care about. Not actually stopping to think how serious he was about them.

"Yes, yes. All this time I was nervous! If ever we got attacked while she was still in mourning, there was no way I would protect her. Not in that pitiful state. As she was when undisturbed, I could handle, but being so weak and lost as to not protect herself no longer? She would be a failure to Violet and Her pack..."


I didn't really understand what he was talking about, but I listened anyway. He seemed very happy and excited to tell someone about this. His rough, human hands felt nice as they petted me. His voice, I fell in love with as they never failed to calm me down.

"...and of course what would Mixen have to say! Oh he'd feel so terrible too...speaking of which, even after Her return, he still seems weighed down...ah! It's that wolf, John. I guess he found yet another reason to live...he's such a helpful and caring bear. He does what he loves, I guess. Now I kinda feel the same too...with Her regaining her power and all, I could finally serve her. That's what I'm best at anyway, what I was born to do..."

He became silent, just floating down memory lane.

""You are whoever you make yourself. You are what you feel in each experience.", She said that to me...Violet...and I thought: well I guess serving people ain't so bad if it's her, right? And so I used what was thought to me to serve her. That became what I lived for."

He turned to look down at me, "How about you?"

I stared at my master in awe. Those eyes are the ones I devoted my whole being to. He's so amazing. I look up to him.

"You.", I whispered unconsciously. His eyes widened in surprise. When I realized what I just said I hurried to bury my snout and face at the crook of his arm. He laughed though.

"I guess your answer was obvious? Haha, I don't know. It's just weird I guess. Me to be looked up to."

I kept my snout buried, looking up with my eyes. He looked at me lovingly, "Haha, you're amazing. Who knew a dog would be my closest friend! But...I'm still grateful..."

I closed my eyes and snuggled into his arm, once again burying myself.

"I'm tired too.", he whispered.

He continued petting my fur, and it wasn't long until the both of us fell asleep.

Hello fellow lemon sponges :D
Tis another chapter! Hope y'all enjoyed~ anywho! Thank y'all again fer the votes and comments!! And seriously the comments xD y'all want me to have a heart attack or somethin BUT PLEASE KEEP IT UP!! Also please check out the conversation section in my profile! Also please please pleeeaaase comment about what ya want fer the story and stuff... THANK YA AGAIN!! Have a great day/night lemon sponges ;D

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