Awaiting the Mistress' return.

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"What's this...?", Forrest asked in a dead voice.

"Cool, right!?", She asked.

"Ughhhhh!!", the Beta facepalmed, " it really the time for this kind of thing?"

"Lighten up, tight ass! But seriously, how could you think this isn't- Axel thinks it cool!"

Eyes were looking at me, "Y-yeah! It really is, but why...?"

In the backyard of the Alpha's house was a new large koi pond with a wooden bridge through the middle. Large kois swam in the sparkling water.

It was like the Alpha was back to Her normal self. Well, Her goofy self. I don't know what Her untampered personality even was. I looked at Forrest from the corner of my eyes and saw he was looking at Her and the Beta talking through the corner of his eyes too. Guess I'm not the only one who noticed how back to normal everything seemed, though with a hint of what still happened. The Beta didn't seem crazy yet still wasn't completely on his high horse, he just had enough respect.

Few minutes later we walked on the bridge, just checking everything out before we went to train. It was really nice how I wasn't looked down on anymore, like the pack had one less thing to worry about. It made me feel normal. My parents are really proud, and seeing me do well, were very relieved.

"C'mon, let's go.", Forrest said gently.

I nodded with a smile before following him.


Seems like they talked things through. I wonder when though...well, it doesn't matter, they understand each other a little more now.

When we headed to the training grounds an unfamiliar scent caught my attention. I halted myself from morphing, reminding myself Axel's here.

"Forrest...", Axel looked up to me for an answer, also noticing the scent.

I calmed myself, "Go tell the Alpha.", I didn't need him worrying about my safety.

He clenched his jaw before doing as I said. I morphed and went passed the large boulder and to the trees, where the scent grew stronger. I finally got to where it was strongest. The scent was from last night. This must have been where they stayed longest, since it was far too faint to track them down from here.

Heavy paws pounded the earth as the Alpha halted right next to me. Rage showed in her eyes.

"Light Claw pack!", She barked.

She really had a great memory. She remembers almost very thing she encounters. However, that wasn't what I was thinking about.

Light Claw.

"That's not one of the 5...", I said in horror, "Why would they be here? What's their connection to-"

"Forrest, I angered 5, Violet angered more."

I let out a breath, my mind was tangled, and I couldn't relax. This can't be happening...we already had 5 other packs to worry about, now we have to go against all the others Violet pissed off?! We're just one pack!!

She sensed my anxiety, "I'm not saying every pack Violet was in bad terms with are going to attack us. It's rare for packs to work together."

"So, wave after wave?", Axel asked quietly.

The Alpha sighed, "We're not even sure what the Light Claw's intent was."

She then had an idea, "Violet, you stay here."

"Where are you going?", he asked in a panic.

"To the Light Claw pack."

She gave us no time to reply for she took off, nearly too fast for the naked eye. The Beta regained his posture, "Let's head back.", he ordered. We followed silently without question. When we arrived, the pack was already huddled, awaiting our return, for they saw Her take off in wolf form. Seeing no Alpha, they immediately looked at our Beta.

"Where is our Alpha?"

"Who was the intruder?"

"Are the packs planning to attack now?!"

Our Beta stood tall with his head high, "I will be in charge until She returns from the Light Claw pack. Their intent is unknown, but we must still be cautious. No one is to stay in the camp, we will stay put in our human lives until She returns. Take whatever it is you need, but do not come back. Not until we know it's safe."

"If you're in charge...then you're staying?", Jerry asked in concern.

Alice smacked him on the head, "Who's going to clear our scent from camp if he doesn't stay?!"

Jerry looked down in embarrassment, "Oh...right...".

"Can't there at least be extra wolves to help you out if something were to happen?", Helen yelled from the back.

"No,", the Beta answered much to everyone's dismay, "I will stay alone. My top priority is the pack's safety."

They all murmured among themselves, knowing the Beta was finished. Not a moment later, everyone had already gathered personal items from the camp, heading in different directions to exit out of. Practiced by most packs to prevent arousing suspicion. 

Axel and I watched until we were approached by Mom and Dad.

"Oh, Axel honey, stay with us!", Mom begged with a worried, "Just until all this is cleared up."

Axel nodded with a smile. They knew he wasn't going to refuse, but I guess our current situation worried them out of common sense. We were one of the few left, and I quickly turned to look at the Beta. He stood in human form, arms crossed, looking into the forest were She disappeared to with a grim expression. He's a follower, not a leader. It's torture for him to be left alone by his leader. I clenched my jaw, wishing him good luck before turning back to follow the Saroons' exit out the forest. I  doubt he heard me anyway.


Hello, lemon sponges! I know I haven't updated in a while, but I've been quite out of the writing mood, lately. I know a lot of you are getting impatient for Axel and Forrest to do the do, but sorry to say that it's still gonna take awhile (as in a couple more chapters). Like I said before, I'm not going to just throw it there (At least not for Finally ;D). Ever just feeling completely hopeless 'bout your future?

Haha, I want to be so many things yet so little time. Have a wunferdal day/night, dearest lemon sponges!

P.S. translation of wonderful~

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