Memories p1

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"Hey,", Lavender whispered while opening the door to Forrest's room, "how ya doin...?"

Forrest stayed silent.

"Forrest...", Lavender walked in and sat by the 21 year old man, "it's alright! Ya still in the yea-!"

"It's been 4 years."

Lavender stopped and sighed. 'It does get rare after this year...', she thought to herself.

"But there's still a chance! Ya didn't feel hollow before, right? Ya were all energetic and social for once! They're probably just a few yea-"

"BUT WHAT IF THEYRE DEAD NOW?! THEN....t-then...what...?"

Forrest began sobbing and Lavender pulled him into a hug, "Oh I hate seeing him like this Violet. What to do...?"

"Hey,", Forrest sniffled, "how long did it take you again?"

"That's all you ever ask me nowadays, but it took me 2 years. We were the same age but she was quite far away at the time. She probably followed our mate trail by instinct or something."

"Mm.", Forrest hummed.

"Forrest, they're out there. I'm sure of it."


Lavender pushed him back, "Just trust me, okay?"

"Hmph, whatever...sure."

She hugged him again with a that's-my-boy feeling.

'All we can do is hope now, Violet.', Lavender said in her head.

Present day


I jumped in surprise. I felt around my bed but felt nothing. I was fully awake now, but found Axel standing there with a tray with covered dishes.

"Forrest,", my angel said, "I made breakfast for you!"

My eyes widened in shock but soon turned to adoration at what my beautiful, adorable, perfect, mate did for me.

He immediately rushed over, making the contents jump.

"Well, I ain't good at cooking like you, but since you always make me something, I just thought I'd give you a break."

I smiled at him, "If it's for you, I never need a break."

He blushed heavily in reply. Then he cleared his throat and turned to the tray. I did too.

"Well, I made sandwiches. Umm I don't really know what you put in so I did what I remember: lettuce, meat, umm mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, and tomatoes. Then I boiled some eggs! Umm I didn't know how long you do it so each egg is boiled differently. Then this last one is a can of soup I just poured into a bowl and heated up."

I stared at the tray before me, my whole being beyond happiness.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't wanna...", he mumbled in a blush.

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