Chapter One

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"Amethyst, stop singing loudly, you're distracting mommy," I begged her for the hundredth time.

She looked up at me with his eyes, not really grasping that what I was doing required a lot of concentration.

"What are you doing, mommy?" Amme wobbled over to me, her tiny legs moving fast.

I sighed, looking down at her before picking her up and placing her on my lap, "I don't think you'd understand, baby,"

She placed her chubby hands on my face, squishing my cheeks together, "Yes, I can. I'm a big girl, now!" She said confidently.

My lips stretched into a small grin, "Oh, yes, how could I've forgotten?" She stared at me, waiting for me to continue, "Well, alright, I guess I can tell you,"Amethyst nodded her head eagerly, I chuckled, "You know how mommy had these really cool powers, and I'm able to really cool things with them?" She nodded her head, her dark curls bouncing, "Well, it's not always easy to do those really cool things. In fact, what I'm trying to do right now is so hard that it's taken mommy over two years to perfect it,"

"What are you trying to do?" Her eyebrows creased in confusion.

"Do you know who're mommy's' best friends?" I asked.

Amme smiled brightly, "Aunty Adrianne. Aunty Lonnie, and Uncle Luke,"

"Well, before you were born, mommy use to have two more best friends," I held up two fingers.

"What happened to them?" She asked, unaware that her question caused an indescribable amount of pain to arise within me.

"They died in the Great War," I answered, "But with my powers I going to bring them back,"

"How're you going to do that?" She blinked up at me, his eyes shining brightly.

"With this spell right here," I tapped the book with the spell I was previously studying. Her mouth formed an "O" as she began to understand.

Amme hopped off my lap, and bounded to the door, "Bye, mommy,"

"Where are you going?"

"You've got work to do, so I'm gonna leave so you can do it," With that, she happily glided out of the room.

Sometimes I forget that she's only two years old. I shook my head, and quietly chuckled to myself as I turned around in my chair to continue going over the spell. The spell that was already embedded into my mind, the spell that would, indefinitely, make or break me, because truth be told if this spell didn't work I'd surely break. It had to work, though, I needed it to work. I began to mutter the ancient words under my breath, twisting my hands anxiously as I thought over the consequences that came with doing this spell. The consequences- my soul. To bring someone back to like required a sacrifice, and in this case it was my soul, or more specifically the purity of it.

I sat there for a while, long enough for the words to blur, and for my butt to become sore from sitting there too long. I stretched my body before getting up and leaving the room. I noticed the many decorations around the castle as I made my way through it. I could hear my friends' boisterous laughter as I got closer and closer to them. When I finally entered the room they were all in I found Cole and Amethyst singing along to Frozen on the TV. Amme was in her Elsa dress and was twirling around singing "Love Is an Open Door." Cole was sporting a tiara on his head, and plastic princess heels on his feet, heels that were several sizes too small. It was quite the sight. My other friends were sitting all over the room, some on the couches, others on the floor, but all laughing loudly. Dylan had his phone out, recording it all. I laughed as well, making my presence known, all heads snapped to me, all except Amme, of course. She was too wrapped up in Frozen.

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