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AN: Here's another chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoy. COMMENT, VOTE, AND SHARE. xoxoxoxoxo


I didn't know where exactly I was, only that I was still in Alna- my dads territory. I never came out this far before, Dad didn't like it when I strayed too far from the house. I figured I was in the witches or vampires part of town- and I know what you're thinking:

"Vampires on werewolf territory?!"

Yes. Vampires and werewolves may not get along very well, but because werewolves basically own almost every single piece of  land in the world, vampires don't have anywhere to live, so a couple hundred years back The Alpha King decided that vampires could live on a werewolf's land, unless the vampires get out of hand. The town was divided into four unequal parts- The werewolves, which is the largest part, The humans, second largest, The witches, third largest, and The vampires, the smallest. I've never been outside of the werewolves part, my parents said it was too risky. Rouges tend to come through our land a lot- though they never make it out.

My head snapped to the right, when I heard a rustling in the bushes. I growled, warning whoever it was to not come any closer, but of course they didn't listen. Sniffing the air, I quickly gathered that it was a vampire, and I was in the vampire part of Alna.

'What have you gotten us into, Kay?' My wolf scolded.

I rolled my eyes, 'Me?! You're just as much to blame for this as I am.'

The most beautiful creature stepped out from behind the bushes.

A vampire.

He had dark-brown-almost-black-hair, and intense purple eyes. He had on nothing besides a pair of dark jeans that hung dangerously low on his hips. I could see his perfectly defined six-pack, and his irresistible V line.

Damn, he was gorgeous.  

"What're you doing here, wolf?" He asked in a harsh tone. I involuntarily flinched.

I walked behind a tree, and put on extra clothes, and shoes, that I always kept in my book-bag. I walked back out to see the vampire standing in the same exact spot.

I put my hands up in a surrendering gesture, "Look I'm sorry. I was out running, and somehow ended up here." I briefly explained.

He glared at me, "Aren't you the Alpha's kid?"

"Yeah." I answered.

"You're suppose to know this town like the back of your hand, and you didn't realize you were entering Vampire land?" He cocked his head to the side.

I sighed, "My mind was preoccupied." 

"Yeah, whatever." He huffed.

"Well, I'll be going now." I began walking back the way I came, when my wrist began tingling, and a cold, but welcomed sensation spread throughout my body. I turned my head to see the vampire clasping my wrist. He seemed to be as shocked as I was because he tore his hand away and began inspecting it like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

"What the hell did you just do?" I screeched, taking my wrist in my other hand.

"I-I don't know." He looked up from his hand, he shook his hand as if that would make what just happened go away, "Look, don't come back here."

I scoffed, "My dad owns this entire piece of land, I can come back if I want."

"Ok, but vampires won't be held responsible for what happens to you."

I narrowed my eyes, before walking away.


I walked into my third-period class- History, with Mr. Scott- my teacher was writing something down on the board, his back turned to me. I quickly noticed my two best friends- Gabriella Tames, and Adrianne Vraz- seated in our usual places. The back. Gaby was a wolf, and Adrianne was a witch. I tried to scurry over there, but my teachers voice stopped me, "Miss Rodes." He said in a disapproving tone.

I groaned, "Mr. Scott."

"You're late." He started walking, ever so slowly, over to me. His shoes click-clacking on his way.

 "Thank you for stating the obvious." I mocked.

"You think just because you're the Alpha's daughter that you're all high and mighty. Well, news flash! You're not. You have to go to school just like everyone else, so I expect you to be here on time. Just. Like. Everyone. Else." He was now in front of my face, spit flying from his mouth.

I cringed my face in disgust, "You know what, Mr. I-wear-my-pants-too-high-they're-riding-up-my-ass, I don't need your shit. I'm not in the mood, you're even lucky I showed up in the first place. So, how about you take your fucking stupid, spitting ass back over to that white board, and do something useful with your life, like, I don't know... teach us." It's pretty clear that clear that Mr. Scott wasn't my favorite teacher. That spot was reserved for the one and only Mr. Cheams. He was my calculus teacher, he was young, and he was so awesome, plus he was gay. You know how lots of girls want that gay best friend, well, he was like that but dosed in extra awesomeness. I loved that guy.

I snapped out of my thoughts and walked to the back of the classroom, taking my seat, while Mr. Scott stood where I left him, shocked.

I kicked my feet up onto the desk, and sighed, "Well, are you just gonna stand there all day, or do what you're getting paid for."

He glared at me one last time, before going back to writing on the board. Gaby nudged me, "Why are you so late." She whispered.

"Family drama." I summarized.

"Is that why your brother and sisters didn't come into today?" Adrianne asked.

"They didn't? Hmmm, I guess so." I shrugged.

"Damn, I planned on asking Ryan to the dance in two weeks, today." Adrianne muttered. I giggled, she has liked Ryan for as long as I can remember, Ryan being the dense guy that he is, hasn't even noticed.

"Oooohhhh, you're gonna take the initiative and ask him, huh?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

Gaby laughed, Adrianne scowled, but I could see a blush tinting her cheeks, "Shut up."

I pinched her cheeks, "Awwww, is wittle Addywin bwushing." I teased in a baby voice.

Adrianne slapped my hand away, "It's not fu-"

She was cut off my the door opening, since we all have short attention spans, all our focus was off teasing Adrianne and on the  four people walking through the door.

No, not people.


Among the four of them only one stood out.

The same one from earlier.



AN: How was the chp? Did you enjoy. I would love to know your thoughts, so please COMMENT, VOTE, AND SHARE!! xoxoxoxoxo

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