Chp. 14

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AN: Heyyyyy, go check out my new book! It's completely different from this story, and I'm very excited, anyway here's the next chp. please enjoy, COMMENT, VOTE, SHARRREEE! xoxoxoxoxo Also I created a cast, I know that some of their qualities don't match with the descriptions I gave, but I'm just imagine that it does. Thank you.


Trent's POV

I pushed my legs to go faster, I pushed them to get to Kailey. I could smell her scent-it was fresh, so I knew that we weren't far behind. Lonnie, and Lucas were a bit back, because my wolf was stronger than theirs I was able to go faster.

'Kailey! Kailey, we're coming to help.' I tried telling her through the link, but her walls were up.

Damn it.

It was a few more minutes before her scent hit me like a truck. We were close, really close. I started to think this over. I was a strong wolf because my dad was Beta, but I shouldn't have been able to catch up to Kailey this quickly, she was the daughter of the most powerful wolf in the world. I slowed my pace to a jog, sniffing around until I found her. She was standing still, too still. I didn't understand what would make her stop all of the sudden, her mate was about to get his memory erased, she should be on the move.

I stepped further into the clearing where she was standing. Then finally noticing my presence, she spun around, growls reverberating from her chest. I bowed, showing my respect, and that I meant no harm. I could feel her letting down her walls, giving me access to speak.


What are you doing here?' She snarled.

I gestured to the two wolves behind me, 'We came to help you.'

She narrowed her eyes at me, 'What is this some sort of distraction?'

'No, we really did come to help. You're our friend, and we want to support you.' I explained.

She growled so loudly, I had to cower back, 'Now! Now you want to help me, but when I needed you the most you just turned your backs on me.'

'I'm sorry, I was stupid, but I can make it up to you. I will make it up to you.'

She held her hard gaze for a moment, before nodding her head, 'Lets go.'

'Why'd you stop, anyways?' Lonnie butted in.

Kailey glanced over her shoulder, 'I could hear you guys coming.'

Without wasting anymore time, we dashed off. We ran in silence, all of us thinking about what was about to happen. We'd all be betraying the King, and most likely end up hurting the guards to get to the Canes. But none of it mattered, all I cared about was helping Kailey. I didn't want to see her hurt, and if being with Justin prevents that from ever happening then I'd do everything in my power to keep them together.

Finally we reached the airport, it was vacant, except for a big black van-I'm guessing is how the others got here. I strained my ears to pick up anything, just when I was about to give up, I heard hearts beating. I nodded my head in the direction of the sound, my friends followed me.

"Hold them still!" I heard Lisa yell, when we came upon a corner. I saw about eight or nine guards-they were all trying to restrain the resisting Canes. I almost chuckled, the guards were having a pretty hard time. I then heard Lisa begin chanting in another language, and I began to panic. I heard an ear-splitting growl from my left, then Kailey charged at her. Lucas, Lonnie, and I followed. I ripped two guards off of Artemist, she gladly then proceeded in ripping ones heart out.

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