Chp. 32

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My heart stopped. I wasn’t ready, I was not ready for this shit. I looked around at all the people beside me, realizing this may be the last time I saw them. This was actually happening, we were all about to fight in this war. Good Goddess, help us! If someone would’ve told me a year ago that I would be here with my biological parents, and teaming up with vampires for a war I would’ve laughed in their face, then quickly showed them to the nearest asylum, but here I am. Unfortunately. Sofia took off with Lily back into the house. Sofia would be the only one staying behind seeing as she’s the pack doctor, and she need to be alive to help injured wolves. Lily looked confused as to what was happening currently, but it was understandable because she was kept in the dark with everything about the war. I mean she was only six, she didn’t need to be worrying over this.

Once Sofia, and Lily were out of sight we all took off in the direction of the attack. My heart beat fast in my chest as we raced to the battle field. Unintentionally we were running in a horizontal line, the furthest to left was Jace, then Holly, Adrianne, Lucas,  Lonnie, Gaby, Trent, me, Alex,  Dylan, Justin, Misty, Ryan, Fall, Heather, Colton, Carter, May, Vanessa, Marcus, Louis, the King, Carnalea, Lance, the Queen, the guard, and Lisa. Some of them already shifted into their wolves, like the King, he had a huge black wolf, Ryan, Carnalea, Gaby, and Louis.  The vampires, though, had their fangs out, and their eyes were a dangerously dark purple. The rest of us wolves just had out our canines, and claws, waiting ‘til we reached the battle to fully transform. In all, it probably took about seven minutes to reach the field, but it felt like a century. We could hear the sounds of growls, and flesh ripping, before we actually got there, but once we did get there, the sounds did no justice to the actual scene now before us. Plenty of wolves were already fighting, but many wolves were already on the ground, lifeless.


We didn’t hesitate to jump in and join the fight. Alex, and I teamed up against a red wolf, it was gorgeous, but I couldn’t stand around and admire its color, especially not when it was snapping its jaws at me. It lunged, landing on Alex, I was about to tackle it off, when I was knocked to the side by a small brown wolf. A female. She pounced on to me, trying to rip my head off, I wriggled under her hoping to keep my head attached to my shoulders. I lifted my leg up, and kneed her in the stomach. She yelped in slight pain, and I used that distraction, and quickly snapped her neck. I got up and looked around, Alex and I were separated during our little scuffles, but I couldn’t look around for long. I was soon thrown back into the war when a male in human form came charging at me, it was pretty much a blur after that. Many rouges, and many killings later I found that we still had a long way to go. There were still lots of rouges alive, but thankfully we had a good amount of people still alive as well.  My breaths were deep, as I stared at the field, it was painted in one color Red.


So much blood. It was everywhere, spilled from both sides. Red dyed my hands. No matter how much I furiously wiped them on my clothes, it was still there. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a grey wolf, rouge, coming towards me at full speed. I crouched down, ready for its attack. When it was about ten feet away it pounced, landing on top of me. Together, we fell back onto the hard ground, each of us wrestling for dominance. Its large jaw snapped at my neck, but using my two feet, I pushed it off of me into a nearby tree. I used that moment to my advantage, while it was struggling to get back up. I ran over to it. I grabbed the lower, and top parts of its mouth, with my hands I stretched them back until they snapped. Even though it was dead, I didn’t stop myself from ripping its head from its shoulders.

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