Chp. 19

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So this is bit overdue. I'm sorry for the wait! I said that this would be up soon, that was like two weeks ago...anyway here it is. Enjoy!

*Two weeks later*

I dodged a kick to my gut, and then threw a punch, sending him stumbling back a few steps. He playfully glared at me, then charged, heading straight for me. I crouched down, prepared for his attack, until suddenly he was a wolf. Caught by surprise he managed to pin me to the ground. His teeth inches away from my face.

"Ugh! You win, ya' big oaf!." I shoved Trent off of me, while he barked a wolf-y laugh. I laughed too, before getting serious once more, "Again. Let's go again." It was about three in the afternoon, and Trent and I've been out here for about two hours training, the others were inside. Trent nodded his big head, then started running at me full force. Once he was in front of me I grabbed the fur by his head, swinging him around, before throwing him into a large tree nearby. The ground shook from the impact, and a bunch of leaves piled down on top of his body. It took Trent a few seconds to recover, but once he did he shook the leaves off, and came at me. Tired of the same thing, I decided to charge at him as well, but once I gained full speed, I couldn't stop, and it seemed as if neither could Trent. We ended up colliding, and it was as if the whole earth shook. I flew back, and Trent was pushed into the exact same tree, but this time it broke right in half. I groaned, grabbing my head, sensing a headache coming on, "Shit. That hurt."

"Why didn't you stop?" Trent asked through the mind-link.

"Why didn't you?" I retorted.


I groaned again, feeling my head pound incredibly hard. This is almost as bad as a hangover. I pushed myself up off the ground, and waited for Trent as I saw him coming from around another tree in human form wearing shorts. I figured he got them from one of the stashes of clothes we keep around just in case of something like this.

"I'm gonna have bruises all over my body because of you." Trent grumbled, rubbing his back.

I rolled my eyes at his complaining. Trent was the one who suggested to train, I was perfectly fine with sitting in my room and reading whatever book I could find.

I smirked, "I totally kicked your ass."

Trent scoffed, "I recall you flying back, too"

I shrugged, "Yeah, but I wasn't the one who slammed into a tree. Twice."

He didn't say anything back, realizing I was right. We walked back into the castle through the back, to find everyone standing in the overly large kitchen, and by everyone I mean Holly, Dylan, Gaby, Adrianne, Jace, Misty, my siblings, Lonn, Lucas, Colton, and....Justin. My eyes trailed over everyone, and when they got to him I couldn't help, but stare a little longer before snapping my eyes away. Justin and I haven't spoken since, well, since he pushed me two weeks ago. It has been extremely awkward, especially when we accidently run into each other. He hasn't tried to talk to me, and every time I get enough courage to speak to him, I chicken out. It's probably because each time I look into his eyes, I see nothing. Absolutely nothing. His entire face is impassive. It's also probably because I don't even think he's sorry. I don't think he regrets anything that he did, but I tend to push that thought to the back of my mind. I don't want to think that. I don't want to think he doesn't care.

"What's going on, guys?" Trent voiced out.

Artemist squealed, "The kingdom is having a festival-something about celebrating the Moon Goddess- but anyway, we're going!"

I grimaced, I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate anything-including the Goddess, "Uhh, I think I'll sit this one out guys."

"No, you can't. You have to come." Misty whined.

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