Chp. 24

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Another bloodcurdling scream left my mouth, as I fell to the ground, shaking in pain. I should've been use to it by now, right? Wrong. They've been at this for a week now, and it seems as if the pain only gets worse as the days go by. What is it that they've been doing to me, you ask? Well, it's simple, they've been beating me. With what? A whip coated with Wolfsbane. It was absolutely brutal. After the meeting with Flaos, I was dragged into this small, dingy room. Waiting for me when I got here was a tall, lanky man-Jack, I eventually learned his name. I didn't realize what he was there for until it was too late. He was the man that would beat me relentlessly for the next week, while Flaos watched, sitting in a nearby chair. I missed my family more, and more each day. Especially Justin, though I doubted he missed me. I bet you're wondering, why don't I just use my powers and escape? I couldn't even if I wanted to, which I do. This building, though, has hundreds of wolves in it, if I even thought about escaping they'd be on me in less than a second. And when I'm not being beaten, I restrained by silver chains. Obviously, those chains weakened me, so when I'm released I'm too weak to even attempt to leave.

I shakily wiped the blood spilling from my mouth, "S-Stop, p-please." My voice was rough, and could barely be heard.

"You know what I want, Kailey. Just say yes, and all this torture can stop." Flaos said, not even sparing me a glance.

"I w-won't let y-you h-hurt my f-family." I spat out more blood, then groaned in pain as my back felt like it was being burned.

"It's going to happen whether you want it to or not, your family will die. Whether it's by your hand or not, is solely up to you." He finally looked at me, giving me a sinister smirk, "But if you become a rouge, it won't even matter. They'll mean nothing to you."

They'll mean nothing to you.

His words played over, and over again in my head. I thought about how nice it would be if I had absolutely no care in the world. If I just let go of everything, because Flaos was right, my family will die, but it's up to me whether I will care or not. My eyes filled up with tears , as I finally came to my decision, but just as I was about to speak, I saw Jack lift up his hand holding the whip, and prepare to strike me when I screamed out,

"NO! Stop, please." I begged, pathetically crawling away from him, "I-I'll do it, I-I'll become a r-rouge."

Flaos hopped up from his chair so fast that it tumbled back, "Wonderful, Jack get her up on her feet, and meet me in the Red room." Flaos left the room soon after that. I slowly turned my head around, and faced Jack, and gulped.

I didn't trust him one bit.


An hour later, I was in the Red room, washed, and in fresh clothes. My back was healing, though it was slowly. It was just Flaos, Liam, and I. Liam was sitting on the ground, looking through a big, leather book. Flaos was sitting on the couch across from me just staring. At me. And I, well, I was doing everything in my power to not look at him.

"You can look at me, Kailey." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Flaos smirk, "Or is my sexiness too much for you to handle?? I understand completely, if that is so."

I scoffed, but didn't reply.

Flaos sighed, then directed his attention to Liam, "Did you find the damn spell yet?" Flaos snarled. I unintentionally flinched.

"I just did, actually." Liam replied, not even batting an eyelash.

"Good, lets get started, then." Flaos pushed himself off the couch, and came towards me. Once he stood directly in front of me, he outstretched his hand, and impatiently waited for me to take it. Eventually I did, he pulled me to the center of the room. Liam got up as well, after studying the spell, and stood a couple of feet away from me, Flaos soon joined him.

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