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*Some time later*

I'm not exactly sure when I fell asleep, but I did, and now we -Trent and I- were parked outside an airport. I had no intentions of getting out of the car, but knowing Trent he'd find some way to get me out. that doesn't mean I wouldn't put up a fight.

"This is illegal, ya' know." I stated., referring to him basically kidnapping me

"Can we talk?" Trent ignored my comment and got out of the car to retrieve my bag.

"There's nothing to talk about." I retorted.

I noticed his eyes were glassy, "Please, Kailey." He pled.

I don't know if it was the remorseful look in his eyes or because I didn't feel like arguing, but I decided to give him a chance, "Talk about what?"

Trent sighed and let a small smile grace his perfect lips, grateful I gave in, "The woods."

I tensed, "Ok" I said after a few moments.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I was upset-no angry. I was angry that you didn't want me as your mate. so when I came across your scent, my wolf took over. I had no control over my actions, I'm so so so sorry. I ne-"

"It's ok, Trent." I interjected, "I pretty much got over it after an hour of it happening. I guess the real reason I hate you so much is because you're taking me away from everything that I know."

Trent just stared his mouth agape and his eyes wide. I guess he wasn't expecting that from me.

 I tried regaining his attention, "Why'd you act so surprised, when I shifted into my white wolf, if you already knew?"

"Your fath-"

"He is not my father." I stated venomously.

"Lance," He corrected himself, "told me that you were the missing Gustavo, but I didn't believe him. So when I saw you shift, I was a little shocked. We've been looking for you since you were 'taken'. There've been so many claims stating that you were found, the whole kingdom would be devastated when we learned it wasn't you. When you're parents heard that it possibly could be you, the sent me to make sure, and as a reward for bringing you home, we'd be mates. I don't know why, but they seemed so sure that it was you. I thought they'd pay no mind to it like they have with the other claims during these past few years, but they didn't." Trent sighed, "I don't know the whole story, so you're going to have to ask them."

I had so many questions swimming around in my head, but the most prominent one-

Was I kidnapped?

My pare- Lance and Carnalea said they found me. But why should I be shocked? They've been lying to me my whole life, why should this be any different?

Maybe this trip to this unknown land may be good. I'll be able to learn so much about me and my past. Why I was kidnapped or given up . Why no body told me I was a Royal.

But I would learn all of this at what cost?


We were currently on our way to Lavana, The Royal Kingdom, which was a twelve hour flight. I was battling all these conflicting emotions, so it was making it impossible to go to sleep. I guess you could say I was extremely jealous of Trent, while he's sleeping oh so peacefully, I'm tossing and tuning, and five seconds away from bashing my head through a window.

"Ugh! Will you stop moving!" Trent whisper-shouted.

So he's not asleep after all.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you about to go to a whole new kingdom ruled by the King and Queen of all werewolves? Lets not forget about completely humiliating yourself!" I screeched.

At this point I was grateful that everyone on this plane was asleep, except for an elderly couple that probably couldn't hear anything more than two feet away from them.

"Calm down, Kailey. You're not gonna humiliate yourself." Trent reasoned.

"Why are you so sure?" I asked.

"'Cause I'm Trent Lions. I know everything." He smirked, that only made me want to smack him more.

I rolled my eyes, but chose not to reply. Every second spent on this plane is a second closer to Lavana and I don't know if I'm ready for that. Trent must've noticed this, because the next second he grabbed my hand, preventing me from ringing them together. I looked up into his green eyes curiously.

"My favorite color is blue." He stated.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wh-"

"I'm scared of squirrels." He continued, "I have one sibling, a sister. She's six, my favorite little person in the world."

I smiled at that, Trent's not so bad, even if he was a part in taking me away from home.

"I love Kisses. Now before you go and get any ideas, I mean the chocolate Hershey ones. Don't get me wrong though, I love the ones involving a bit of lip action too." He smirked again.

I had to laugh a that, "Too bad you won't be receiving either from me."

"I'm nineteen, almost twenty." He announced.

I quirked an eyebrow, "Why are you telling me this?"

Trent ignored me, "I told you stuff about me now you have to tell me something about you."

"What? No. I didn't agree to this." I crossed my arms.

"Either this or you go back to worrying." He replied.

I groaned, realizing I really didn't feel like freaking out about that anymore, "Fine." Trent smiled, satisfied.

I sighed, "As you already know, I have four siblings. We were all really close, closer than most siblings usually are. I guess it was because Dad always taught us that family was the most important thing. Anyway we were close, but me and Ryan were closer than the others. Him and I were like best friends, we knew everything about each other- the worst thing we did or our first kiss, you name it , we knew it. I guess that's why I was so crushed when I found out he knew about me being a Royal." I didn't realize I was looking down until Trent grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"Everything is going to be fine." His thumb rubbed circles on my cheek.

I unconsciously leaned into his warm hand, "Promise?"

A smile formed on his lips, "Promise."


AN: Yooooo hi people. Told ya' I would update sooner. What did ya' think of the chp.? I really liked the end, Next chapter will be in someone else's POV. I'm excited for it. Remember you beautiful people to COMMENT, AND VOOOTTE. xoxoxoxo

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