Chp. 26

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Good Goddess, I can't actually believe I agreed to do this. It's been three days since the little meeting in Flaos' office, I can't say I left happy. I grunted as I placed the contacts in my eyes. Stupid Flaos, and his stupid ideas. As I cursed Flaos to the pits of hell, my bedroom door opened, in walked Lauren, Mark, and Alex. They looked pissed as hell, I wouldn't expect anything less. I mean, I did drag them into this as well. What is it exactly that we are doing, you ask? Well, you remember how Flaos proposed that I go undercover? You do? Good. Anyway, I agreed before I knew what it was for, it's not like I really had a choice even if Flaos made it out to seem like that. He told that I was to go back to my 'family and friends' pretending like I had escaped from him. I was to fake being scared, and shaken up, when in reality I was anything but. I literally threw a tantrum when he told me exactly what it is I had to do. Eventually I managed to get him to agree with me bringing along the three musketeers, if your too slow to comprehend who I mean, here you go- Alex, Mark, and Lauren. They were to pretend to have escaped with me. They were not happy when I told them they'd have to accompany me back 'home'. That was the last thing they wanted to do, but with a little begging and puppy-dog eyes, they finally agreed.

In order to pull this off, I had to dye my hair back to it's original blonde, and get blue contacts to cover up my red eyes. I was already missing my black locks. All four of us were wearing tattered up clothes, our faces were smudged with a bit of dirt, and our hair was a total mess. This was the part that Lauren protested the most. She refused to let anyone mess us her, and I quote, "precious, precious hair." I had to roll my eyes at that one, eventually, though, we were able to make her hair as bad as the rest of us.

"Hey, guys." I greeted, finishing up.

"Yo." Mark nodded his head in my direction, before plopping down on my bed. Lauren joined him, not saying anything, I guess she was still a bit annoyed she had to do this. Alex walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his side.

"Hey." He smiled down at me. I smiled back, just about to reply when Mark opened his mouth.

"I've got to admit, Kay, you look way hotter with black hair." He commented.

I snapped my head to him, and glared, "Shut up, you big headed prick."

Mark just laughed, a my words rolled off of his back. Because I was fairly new to this whole 'rouge' thing, my emotions tended to get out of hand sometimes, they were all use to it though. I removed myself from Alex's arms, and made my way over to the other two.

"Get up. We've got to get going, I told Flaos we'd be gone in ten minutes. So let's go." I ordered, already heading to the door.

Mark groaned from behind me, "Is it too late to back out?"

We all answered with a simple, "Yes."

"I hate you, Kailey Rhodes, for dragging me into this." Mark whined.

"Shut up, man. We've got to go, so c'mon." Alex pulled on Mark's arm to get him walking.

By the time we got outside Flaos was already there waiting, he looked a bit annoyed because we were seven minutes late, I blamed Mark. On the way here, he kept complaining, and tried running away, claiming he didn't want to socialize with a bunch of stupid pack wolves.

"You're late." Flaos said as soon as we reached him.

"Sorry." Alex spoke up.

Flaos nodded, the proceeded, "You all understand your purpose?"

We nodded, as we all simultaneously repeated the words drilled into our heads, "We're to befriend the Vampires, and Wolves in order to figure out when they plan on attacking us, so that we can beat them to it, and strike first. "

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