Chapter Five

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Days have passed. Weeks. Then, months. To be even more specific; two months have passed, and still, no progress. Justin avoids me like the plague, and there's nothing I can do about it other than accept it. Every night my wolf cries, just wanting to be in the arms of her mate. Then, she cries even more knowing that he can't stand the sight of us. There's no way I can comfort her, it's my fault we're even in this mess, and it seems the longer we're forced to stay away from him, the tighter the darkness wraps around my soul. It's as if it knows we're weak, and uses that to its advantage. I don't remember the last time I was able to get a goodnight's sleep. Every time I close my eyes my subconscious is haunted by the day that Justin left, the day I pushed him away for good. I usually wake up in a worse condition than when I fell asleep.

I mostly spend my nights wide awake.

I think the only thing that has managed to keep me sane is Amethyst. The way she's able to easily smile and laugh at anything. The way she loves unconditionally, the way she has grown to love her father. A small smile graces my face just thinking about it.

A knock on my bedroom door, causes me to jump, startled by the unsuspecting sound. I turn my head to the clock resting on my nightstand.

1:24 AM.

I clear my throat, "Who is it?"

Without responding, my door was pushed open. I was momentarily blinded from the light pouring in from the hallway, but then the door closed, and the brightness was gone.

"What're you doing in my room?"

"I can't sleep because of you," He accused, and because of my werewolf sight I could see him cross his arms grumpily.

I narrowed my eye, "You can't sleep because of me?"

"Yes," He said simply, "I'm only a couple rooms down from you and your restless emotions are bothering me immensely,"

I scoffed, "Well, excuse me for having no control over my feelings," I turned away from him, and nestled into my blankets, "You could always ignore them,"

I heard him snort, mockingly, "You'd think that by now you'd know that I can't ignore them if they're too strong,"

I didn't respond.

I could hear him shuffling about, and then suddenly he was lying right beside me. I shot right out of bed.

"What are you doing?"

He stared at me impassively, "Lying down,"

"In my bed?" I questioned.


I glared at him, "What makes you think I want you in my bed, in my room, even?"

"Just shut up and listen," He ordered.

I glared even harder but did as he said, though I'm not sure why.

"Do you hear anything" He asked.

My eyebrows scrunched together confusedly. Was I supposed to?

"Uhm, no?"

"Exactly," He stated, as if that would make me any less confused, "Your wolf, she's stopped hurting, hasn't she? She's not crying, right?"

He was right. She was quiet for the first time in a long time, and she was... happy? Yes, happy.

"She's been like that since I'd entered your room, and I'm sure that if I leave she'll be upset again. But, if you really want me to go..." He began rising out of bed.

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