Chp. 22

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Justin's POV

Man, was I hungry. No, not for food, for blood. I craved it, I needed it. The red, silky liquid going down my throat was all I could think about. I haven't had it in days, and my hunger for it was growing rapidly. I needed to go hunt, and I needed to go now. I jumped off of the overly big bed, and made my way out of the room, grabbing a light jacket on the way. I slipped my arms into it as I made my way down the steps, and out the door. No one stopped me or asked where I was going. I don't even think they noticed me, which is how I wanted it. I walked briskly into the woods that were conveniently right besides the castle, already scanning the area for any type of food, but the searing burn in my throat told me that an animal wasn't going to quench my thirst. I sped through the woods, and all the way out of Lavana, until I came across a small town right outside of the kingdom. I saw many people walking about, completely oblivious to what was going around them. Ignorant to the fact that Vampire, Werewolves, and Witches actually existed. They didn't know that these supernatural creatures were only a couple miles away, and they didn't know that one was watching them. Observing their every move, looking for their next victim. My eager eyes searched the crowds, looking for one person. One person that blended in so easily, they wouldn't be missed.

My purple eyes stopped on a lone figure standing near a lamp post. It was a girl, she looked about eighteen or nineteen years old. She was short for her age, and her red hair was styled into a pixie cut. I guess she was cute for a human, but I didn't find her slightly attractive. The only thing that dragged me in, besides the blood currently pumping through her veins, were her striking blue eyes. Eyes so similar to Kailey's. I shook my head, I refused to think about her, I couldn't think about her. I made my way across the street, when I saw the girl walking away. She turned into an alley-seriously people, it's like she's asking for me to kill her. I mean, who walks into an alley unless they want to die. Anyway, I followed after her short little body, and found that it was only us two in the little walkway. I didn't waste time in taunting the girl, like I usually would, I just quickly went for the kill.

"Hello, sweetness," My voice dripped with venom, as I roughly pushed her into a wall, and covered her mouth with my hand, effectively muffling her screams, though not by much, "Will you shut up." I commanded as I worked my compulsion on her. I could feel the fear radiating off of her, and I smirked.

As her eyes filled with tears, that quickly began overflowing, I said, "Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit." With that I pushed my elongated fangs into her delicate skin. Almost immediately her sweet, sweet blood began to flow into my mouth, and down my throat, instantly ceasing the burning I felt there. I moaned in satisfaction at the taste, and pulled her frail body into me more, as if that would make the blood flow faster. Quicker than I would've liked, her body ran dry, and she was dead. Even though my throat no longer felt like it was on fire, I was still hungry. For what? I had no clue, but I'm gonna assume it's for blood, though I knew deep inside it was for something else-someone else. And that someone had beautiful light blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes that seemed to look into my soul, and a laugh that was so angelic, I was sure she was from heaven.

Without even realizing it, I walked into a café/bakery. There were only a few people in there, but every single one of them were staring at me.

Fed up with their strange looks, I shouted, "What? Is there something on my face, what do you people keep staring at?!"

A strange, old man stuttered out, "T-There is a-actually."

I scrunched my eyebrow together, and walked over to the window where I could see my reflection. I immediately noticed the red liquid that was covering part of my mouth. Blood. Oops, guess I forgot to wipe my face before I strolled in here. I went over to a nearby table, and grabbed a few napkins, wiping my mouth off, "I had a, uhmmm......messy lunch. Real messy," I smirked, "But, boy, was it good."

Realizing I wasn't even hungry, I left the café, and walked outside into the fresh air. I breathed in deeply, even though I knew no matter how much I sucked in air it wouldn't make a difference to whether I lived or died. I sighed, and began walking down the sidewalk. As I walked, and resisted the urge to tear into people because they kept bumping into me, I began remembering the words I said yesterday. The lies.

"I hate this, I hate you for what you've made me feel. I mean, I shouldn't even feel anything."

"I don't love you, Kailey. I never will."

I remember the way she broke, I remembered the way the usual light in her eyes vanished. I watched as the girl I care about more than anything in the entire world crumbled into a million pieces. I remembered the way she silently pleaded with her eyes to me. Begging me not to do what I did. To not break her heart. But I did, I had to. Right?


Her and I would've never worked out anyway. Vampires and Werewolves don't belong together, they never did, and they never will. It doesn't matter how I feel, it never does. In the end I wind up losing everything I care about. Kailey's little trip with my brother reminded me of how easily I could lose her. I had no clue where she was, or if she was safe. As those thoughts ran through my head, I also began wondering when I became so attached to her? How did she manage to squeeze herself into my dead heart? With those thoughts came the thoughts of losing her, and how I wouldn't be able to deal with it. I realized how much I cared about her, and I realized how wrong that was. I'm a vampire, vampires don't feel. I knew then, that I would have to end things between us, before things got out of hand. I did it for the both of us, so it would hurt less if/when we lost each other, as in if one of us died. I did this for us. Well, that's what I kept telling myself. I know why I actually did what I did.

I was scared.

I still am. I'm scared of loosing her. I'm scared of falling so deeply, and madly in love with her that there'd be no way to back out.

I'm scared because, even though I know I shouldn't be, I am in love with her.

I'm in love with Kailey Rhodes.


AN: I know, I know. Really short chp. It was more of a filler, but at least I updated. Now you know what's going on in Justin's head. YAYYYY! Lol what did you think, was it good, or nahhhhhh? Tehehehehehe, remember VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE!!! xoxoxoxoxo

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