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AN: Bonjour!! HI guys I'm back!! I got a new laptop for Christmas.....soooooo I decided, since I haven't actually updated in a loooong time, I'm going to give you guys a gift. I HOPE YOU ENJOY AANNNNNDDDDD COMMENT AND VOOOTTEEEE!!


After what felt like hours of running, I finally reach the familiar house. It's dark out, but I can still clearly see the red Ferrari in the drive-way- the one belonging to Trent.

"What the hell is Trent still doing here?" I ask myself.

I climb the steps to the front door, but before I can even think about knocking, the door swings open. I find myself face to face with Fall, who has a grin a mile long on her face. I wasn't the least bit surprised. Fall has always been able to see the future. It was her gift, she must've saw me coming.

Forgetting the reasons I even came here, I quickly engulf my sister into a bone crushing hug, "Fall!!"

"What are you doing here?" She asks as we pull away, the smile never wavering.

I stiffen, remembering what Justin told me. I didn't say anything as I walked pass her into the kitchen, where I knew I'd find my mom.

"Mom." I said, making her spin around.

"Kailey." She said breathlessly, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm gonna be the one asking questions." I stated flatly.

My mom looked taken aback for a moment, before she composed herself once more.

"Follow me." My mother then left the kitchen, Fall and I followed suit.

She led us to the living room, and I made my way to one of the couches. I sat on the furthest one, away from them.

"Alright Kay, what's on your mind?" My mother questioned, folding her hands then placing them on her lap.

I looked down suddenly overcome with emotions. If I'm really related to the Gustavos, like Justin says, then it means that the people I trust the most have been lying to me. My whole life I've been led to assume that my biological parents didn't love me. I mean why else would they give me up? They're definitely not poor enough to not take care of me -they're the freaking KING AND QUEEN of all werewolves!

Was I not good enough?

What did I do to make them give me up?

Why didn't they love me?

"You lied to me." My voice was barely a whisper.

"W-what?" My mom- or should I even call her that- stuttered.

I knew she heard me.

I jumped up from the couch, "YOU LIED TO ME!!"

"'Lied'? What are you talking about??" She furrowed her eyebrows.

My voice was basically shrill "I'm a Royal?! My fur, mother!" Ring any bells?" I spat, making her shrink back.

"I-I don't k-know what you're talking about." She stared at me, eyes wide.

"Don't you dare lie to me." I said with so much venom, I didn't even recognize myself.

I'm pretty sure I looked like a mad woman right about now.

"T-there's more to it, Kay. You don't understand." Fall interjected.

I whipped my head to her, "You knew?!" I screeched, "And you didn't tell me?"

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