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Trent took off his shirt and threw it at me, "Shift."

I glared at him, but eventually went behind a tree and shifted. I quickly put on his shirt, which reached about mid-thigh, then walked back over to him, "What are you doing here, Trent."

"What are you doing here, Kailey." He dodged my question.

"That's none of your business." I snapped, crossing my arms.

"If we're going to be mates, then it is my business." He replied simply.

"No we're not. Why would I agree to be your mate!? I don't even know you!" I yelled.

In a flash Trent was in front of me, his lips on mine. My eyes widened! What the fuck! He was kissing me.

I roughly pushed him off of me, then brought my hand back and slapped him, "What the fuck-tards!!" I wiped my lips furiously. I didn't wait for an explanation, I quickly shifted, looking over my shoulder once more- Trent was looking at me as if he saw a ghost- then took off, not exactly sure where I was going. Once I was completely sure Trent wasn't following me, I slowed to a stop, lying down and resting my head on my front paws. I didn't care that I didn't have a place to stay, I didn't care that I was currently in vampires territory. I was emotionally drained- tired. So when my eyes began drift close, I didn't stop them. I just let sleep consume me.


When I woke, I noticed I was in a huge, comfy bed, and in my human form- I must've shifted when I first fell asleep. I almost went back to sleep, until I realized I had no clue where I was. I frantically looked around, ripping the duvet off of me to find myself in a pair basketball shorts and a black t-shirt. The door on the other side of the room opened, and in walked Artemist.

"Oh, you're awake." She walked over to the bed, then sat down.

"Uhhhh, yeah." I looked around the room, before my eyes landed back on her, "Did you bring me here?"

She smiled, "No, my brother did, Justin. He found you while he was out hunting, then brought you back here. He threw clothes at me and made me put them on you- awkward- but it's not like I haven't seen a naked girl before." She said easily.

Oh god, she saw me naked.

Oh god, Justin saw me naked!

"Uhhhmm, ok. I should probably be going." I started getting up.

"No, wait. You can stay, if you want. Jace told me what's going on with your family," As soon as she said that Jace walked into the room, giving me a smile, "we know you don't have anywhere to go."

"I can just crash at Gaby's place." I shrugged, "Wait, what do you mean he knows what's going on with my family?"

"Jace can read minds. We didn't understand why you were in the vampires part of town, so he did some digging." She answered.

I couldn't help, but feel violated. He looked into my mind, he's as bad as Gabriella.

"Gabriella?" Jace asked curiously, "She can read minds too?"

I looked up at Jace, "Errrrr, yeah."

"I've never come across another mind reader before. That explains why I wasn't able to read her thoughts." He said more to himself.

"Well, anywaaaaay, stay. You're already here, no need to go all the way back to your friends house." Artemist insisted.

I shook my head, "I don't think that's a great idea. What about your parents, they won't approve. And lets not forget I'm a werewolf. You're not suppose to be nice to me. Why are you nice to me?"

"'Cause you haven't done anything to me for me to be mean." She stated, getting off the bed.

"Yeah, but I'm a werewolf. It's in our nature to not like each other." I replied.

"C'mon it's the twenty-first century. I think our two species should be able to get along." Artemist put her hands on her hips.

I stared at her for a long time, testing out if she was lying or not. She wasn't. I smiled, "I'll stay." She began cheering and clapping her hands, "Only if your parents agree too."

Her smile didn't waver, "They don't mind, but lets go, I want you to meet them." Her cold hand grasped mine and started pulling me out of the room and down stairs into a sort of TV room. Just walking through the house I could tell it was huge.

Sitting on a long beige couch were four vampires, two of them being Dylan and Justin, the other two I'm guessing were their parents. The two unfamiliar vampires stood up from the couch. The lady was short- 5'3 or 5'4- she had strawberry blonde hair and warm purple eyes. She was wearing a loose white blouse and a red pencil skirt with black pumps. The man wore beige pants with a dark blue dress shirt with the top buttons undone. He had the same dark-brown-almost-black hair as Justin and of course purple eyes. They both seemed nice-or as nice as vampires can get.

The man stuck his hand out, "I'm Carter Cane." He pulled the lady over to him, "And this is my lovely wife Vanessa."

"I'm, errrrr, Kailey." I shook his hand.

"I understand you'll be staying with us." Carter said.

I looked back at Artemist and Jace, they nodded their heads reassuringly, I turned back to Carter, "I guess so."

Dylan groaned, "No!"

"Shut up." They all chorused together.

"Fine, but she's sleeping in the yard. Stupid mutt." He muttered the last bit under his breath. Justin hit him on the back of his head, "Hey!"

"C'mon Kailey, I have some old clothes that should fit you."


Artemist gave me a pair of new underwear that she never got to wear and some yoga pants, and a cami. We were in her room watching Scooby Doo and eating PB&J-well I was eating, Vampires don't eat food, well, they didn't need it. Vampires could survive on just blood, which made me wonder why they had the things to make food, but I didn't ask, I guess the Canes just liked indulging themselves I'm human food- sandwiches that her mom made and brought up to us. There was a knock on the door, Artemist told whoever it was to come in.

In walked Justin, looking as gorgeous as ever, "Hey, Misty, can I talk to Kailey."

Artemist nodded, but proceeded to watch the show.

Justin sighed, "Alone."

"Oh! Right, ok, I'm leaving." She jumped up and quickly left the room.

And I was left in a room with an amazingly hot- scratch that- amazingly sexy vampire. Oh god, all the things I would do to his body. I licked my lips.

Justin smirked, "I can sense your arousal, Kailey."



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