Chp. 17

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AN: Omg! Over 200 reads?!! I so happy right now. It may not be a lot compared to other stories, but it means a lot to me! Thank you to the people that read, and are still reading, and thank you also for voting. Love you xoxoxoxoxoxo


Blood. So much blood. It was everywhere, from both sides. Red dyed my hands, no matter how much I furiously wiped them on my clothes, it was still there. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a grey wolf-a rouge- coming towards me at full speed. I crouched down, ready for it's attack. When it was about ten feet away it pounced, landing on top me. Together we fell back onto the hard ground, each of us wrestling for dominance. It's large jaw snapped at my neck, using my two feet, I pushed it off of me and back into a nearby tree. I used that moment to my advantage, while it was struggling to get back up, I ran over to it. I gripped the lower, and top parts of his mouth with my hands. I stretched them back until they snapped. As my final blow, I proceeded in ripping it's head from it's body.

I whipped my body around, eyes searching the field full of wolves, and vampires fighting, until they came across the vampire I was looking for. Justin. He was currently fending off two determined rouges. I rushed over to his side, quickly pushing a dark brown wolf away. I began circling it, looking for a weak spot. I noticed that it was limping, it's left front paw was curled up to it's body. Taking my observing as a distraction, the wolf charged at me, I tumbled out the way, hurriedly getting back on my feet. I threw myself at it' huge body, knocking it to the ground. We tumbled a bit, before I felt a sharp pain in my right arm. The brown wolf had my arm trapped inside of it's mouth. It's long fangs sinking into my flesh. I bit back a cry of pain. Using all of my strength, I jammed my left hand into it's chest. My fingers found the organ I was searching for, and in a haste I pulled it out. The wolf's body fell limp, I shoved it off of me, scrambling up to standing position. I heard a shout of pain, and my head immediately snapped to the person it came from.


I could only watch as three wolves tore every limb from her body, until she wasn't anything, but a head with lifeless eyes. From then on it was as if I was frozen, and everything else moved in slow motion. I watched as both set of my parents died, as Heather, and Fall died, and as Lisa died. I felt my heart break into thousands of pieces. Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, I saw one of the most important people in my life get taken away from me. Trent. What ever hold that stopped me from moving was released, and I found myself running over to his form. He was shaking on the ground, informing me that he was still alive-barely.

I fell onto my knees, placing his head on my lap. I didn't care that a war was still going on around me, all I could see was him, "Trent." I breathed, as tears streamed down my face.

He gave me a weak smile, that instantly turned into a grimace, "I'm s-sorry."

"Hush, don't say anything." I caressed his face, that was quickly losing color.

He gripped my hand, "B-Be s-strong, I n-n-need you to be s-strong for me."

"We can be strong together."

"You know I'm not gonna make it. I-I d-don't want t-to, not without G-Gaby." I saw a lone tear escape his eye.

"Don't say that." I demanded, "Don't, Don't say that." I lay my head on his chest, sobbing.

"I Love you, Kay." I felt him kiss my hand.

"I love you, too."

I listened to his heart as it took it's last beat. He was gone. He was dead.

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