Chp 21

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AN: Hi, sooooo I'm going to rant for a bit, 'cause I feel it's necessary. Anyway, when I write these chapters it takes a good amount of time from my day because I have to think about how I want everything to play out, and what exactly is going to happen, then I have to write it down and make sure everything is close to perfect and how I want it. That being said, I don't see why people continue to read this and not vote. I mean, I would totally understand if you stopped reading it because you didn't like it, but that's not the case with some of you, some of you read this and don't vote. All I ask of you is to simply press the little 'vote' button, because when that happens it actually encourages me to write more, and to write better, and I would like to know if you like it. So please vote or maybe comment.

RANT OVER. Enjoy xoxoxoxoxo


Dylan fell to the ground from the impact, clutching his jaw, which was already starting to bruise. He looked up at Justin with wide, shocked eyes. I mimicked his expression. Justin's face was an angry red, his hands were clenched into fists, his purple eyes were a shade darker, and he was breathing heavily. It's a problem that him being furious is a complete turn on for me, isn't it?

Most definitely.

"What the hell, man?" Dylan said, still holding his jaw.

"What the hell? What the hell?! You leave the kingdom for five days, you don't even bother trying to contact us to let us know you're ok, and you take my mate with you. Then when you do come back you're holding hands with her. Grinning like a fucking madman! Don't tell me you didn't expect me to punch the shit out of you." Justin growled, waving his hands around wildly, expressing just how frustrated he was with us.

Dylan pushed himself up off the ground, "Look, I'm sorry, Justin. It was just a spur of the moment thing." I snorted at that, the fact that Dylan already had a secret bank account, and witch to help us made me doubt that it was just a 'spur of the moment thing'.

Justin's eyes flashed to mine for a moment, and I could have sworn he looked even more angrier than he was at Dylan when his eyes landed on me, "You're not sorry, so don't waste your breath on fake apologies." Justin turned around, then stomped away. Just like that he was gone, and we only started to mend things between us.


I sighed, "I'm going to go unpack, then take a nap. I'll see you later." I told Dylan before walking off. It was really awkward to walk past the rest of my family and friends when they were giving both Dylan and I curious glances. I walked into the oversized mansion and headed straight to my room. When I opened the door I was struck with disappointment when I noticed Justin wasn't there. I guess I should've expected it, though.

Throwing the duffle bag to the ground, I didn't even start unpacking it, instead I flopped onto my bed and let out a heavy sigh. This isn't how I wanted things to go.

'At this rate, we'll never fully mate with Justin.' My wolf announced.

'Ewww, did you really have to say that?'

'Yes, I did, and you better hurry up, 'cause I don't want to wait any longer.' She stated.

'Impatient, much?'

My wolf growled, and I rolled my eyes. I couldn't deal with her right now, so I shut off our link. I couldn't help, but think that maybe she was right. What if Justin and I never mated? I shook my head, I couldn't think about that, I couldn't think about anything, except sleep....and the way Justin's eyes blazed with fury when he looked at me. I gulped, knowing that the look was burned into my mind forever. I pushed myself off the bed, with new determination.

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