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Trents POV

I didn't get an ounce of sleep. How could I with Kailey sleeping right next to me. She's the definition of beauty, so it was only natural for me to stare.

Creeping 101. Hahahahahahaha.

No, but seriously she was freaking gorgeous, any one would be lucky to have her as a mate. I could already tell that she would be an amazing ruler. I haven't even known her for that long, but I could already tell that she was strong, smart, and independent. Hopefully I'll be ruling by her side, but no matter how much I wanted that I knew that what her parents are doing is wrong. Forcing her to mate with someone she barely knows, and never really giving her a chance to find her true mate. Then shipping her off to some foreign land to meet her biological parents, I gotta give it to her, if it was me I'd be going insane right now. If she ever does find her true mate, I'd let her go, she was never mine to begin with so how could I keep her.

My ears perk up at the sound of the captain announcing that we were landing. I gently begin to shake Kailey awake, "We're landing, love. Wake up."

She groans, "Go away. Let me sleep in peace." Her voice is husky from the lack of use.

Is it weird that I found that attractive?

I shake my head,

Must be the sleep deprivation talking.

"Kailey, c'mon get up." I shake her again.

Slowly she pops both eyes open and yawns, "Damn. I was hoping this was all some terrible dream and I was back in my comfy bed."

"Sorry kid, this is all happening." I reply.

"I am not a kid." She states, grumpily.

"Sure, sure, whatever." I begin to stretch, then purposefully hit her in the head with my hand.

"What the actual fuck, fucktard!" She growls, gaining attention from people around us.

"Oops. Sorry." I chuckle.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pressure on my arm, looking down I see her mouth attached to it.

She bit me. The bitch actually bit me. Again.

"What the bloody hell, Kailey!" I shout, rubbing my sore arm.

"Oops. Sorry." She smiles devilishly at me.

I narrow my eyes at her, "Ya' know, I'm starting to think you like having me in you."

She gags, "As if, pig."

I smirk, "Just admit, you can't get enough of me."

Kailey rolls her eyes just as I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around to see one of the flight attendants standing there with her hands on her hips.

"We've landed sir. You may want to get your things." She says annoyed.

I look at her nametag that clearly states her name- Lacey, then back up at her, "Uhhh, right. Sorry."

She shakes her head then walks away.

"Bitch." I hear Kailey mutter. I have to hold in a laugh as I get up to get the bag that I placed in the compartment above us.


******An hour later******

I managed to hail a taxi, and we were on our way to Lavana, which was about ten minutes away. Kailey was staring out the window fascinated by the scenery, she resembled a child at the zoo trying to get a look at all the animals. I chuckled, she wasn't even trying and she looked adorable.

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