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Kylie Grier's POV:

"Matt stop!" I yelled, laughing so hard I was choking for air. Matt was tickling me because I had poured a glass of water on his face to wake him up from his three hour long nap.

"Say you're sorry!" He laughed.

"I would, but I can't breathe!"

"Fuck." He whispered, pulling his hands away from my sides and pulling me into a hug. "Sorry, babe."

"Hey dork, don't take things seriously." I said, trying to catch my breath. I pressed my lips to his momentarily before getting off of the bed and running downstairs.

"Nash, where's Mark?" I called.

"Outside!" He yelled from the kitchen. I ran out of our back door, seeing Marcus sitting on the edge of the pool with his feet in the water.

I walked over to him, took my sandals off, and sat beside him, dipping my feet in the water. We didn't look at each other.

"How you doing?" I asked. He looked upset, his gaze not leaving to slow ripples in the water.

"Why did he have to ask her? He knew she would say yes."

"I know, Mark. I'm sorry. Knowing Jenny though, I think it'd be hard for her to keep a long distance relationship."

"But you do it. You pull it off!" He spoke quickly.

"Yes, Mark I know! But it's so fucking hard!" I paused, my voice turning into a whisper. "It's so. Fucking. Hard."

Mark looked down. "It's gonna be hard for her."

"Damn right it will be. Hell, she can't stay away from her dog for a week." I giggled quietly.

Mark chuckled. "Yeah. Poor Poppy. She must've been so confused when Jenny hugged her and started crying before she left for camp."

"Yeah." I giggled softly. "But imagine her with Jack."

"Yeah." Mark whispered.

I put my hand on his back, and turned my gaze to him. "But hey," I paused. "Who knows? Maybe she'll think dating Gilinsky isn't as great as the thinks it is."

"Yeah." He whispered.


"Oh my gosh! Dating Gilinsky is as great as I thought it would be!" She
yelled. "He's so romantic and funny and he smells so good!" She ranted.

"Woah girl." I laughed. "Breathe!"

"His hair is so soft and his abs! Oh my gosh his abs!"

"Okay, I get it!" I laughed.

It was late at night. It was just me and Jenny. The guys had went out bowling at the 24 hour bowling alley. Mom and dad took Skylynn to a Disney on Ice performance. So Jenny and I had a, much needed, girls night.

"Hey Jenny. You know that Jack has to go back home in two weeks, right?" I said. Her smile dropped.

"Yeah I know. I'm trying not think about it too much. I mean, I want to stay in a relationship with him. So much. But I don't think I could handle not knowing what he's doing without me."

"I know. That's kinda how I felt with Matt. But, I learned that to have a good long distance relationship, you both have to trust one another. Ask Jack tomorrow if he trusts you, because I think you guys need that discussion before he leaves."

"You've had that discussion with Matt?" She asked me.

"Well, not really. I'm going to bring it up soon, though." I smiled.

"Okay. Ooh! How about we sit them down together, and talk about it? You know."

"Yeah, I get it Jenny. How about Monday?" I giggled.

"Deal. So, tomorrow?"

"No Jenny, It's Saturday." I laughed.

"Not anymore." She laughed, holding up her phone. "It's 2 in the morning."

My phone buzzed. A text from Matt.

Hey. On our way home.

Okay. How was it?

Fun. Love you!

Good. Love you too.

"Hey, Jack?" Jenny said into her phone. "Hey, can you get Kylie and I, a cheese pizza and some Skittles on your way home?" She paused. "Thanks so much! Mwah!" She hung up the phone.

"Really, Jenny? 2 am call for Skittles and a pizza? Classic." I laughed.

"What? He said yes." She spoke defensively.

I laughed, shaking my head, and unlocked my phone.

"Wow, Jenny."

Hey Guys. So today marks the two year anniversary for the day my dad passed away. Everyone's trying to cheer me up, and I smile. But it just doesn't feel the same. Hell, I'd rather be sad and have my dad than be happy without him. And if I'm being honest, I can't be happy without him. Today is so freaking hard for me. But hey, if they can't tell, then it doesn't matter, right? Story of my life. So here's the chapter I said I wouldn't write. Love you!


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