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Kylie Grier's POV:

(2 months later)

The same old-same old happened for two more months, Nash and Matt had something against Cameron. Everyone else, including myself, were really nice and friendly to him.

This was our last day together, and we were all going home for a few weeks before everyone met up to hang out again. Nash, Matt, and Cam were going to try to solve everything.

Matt and I, we were still together, we were still happy together, and when Matt was around me, he acted like the whole Cameron situation didn't exist. He was never upset at me for forgiving Cameron. He was still a loving boyfriend.

We were all at the airport. My brothers and I had a flight before everyone else's. I'd leave that gate, and I'd leave Matt for three weeks. I was a bit nervous about the whole thing.

Matt and I had been talking since we woke up this morning. He was sitting beside me in the chairs at our flight gate. My legs were laid across his lap, my arms wrapped around his right bicep, and my head rested on his shoulder. We still hadn't had our 'first kiss', 'first I love you', or 'first couple argument'. We've never had a first.

"Gate 36 with begin boarding shortly." The lady announced. "Boarding Group A and B, will start boarding in 5 to 10 minutes."

Those two sentences. Those two sentences knocked the wind out of me, and all of the sudden I couldn't feel my body. I was in boarding group A. Matt started talking to me, but my hearing was fuzzy.

I clung to his arms tighter. I felt like crying. I don't know what had gotten into me, but I didn't want to leave Matt.

"Kylie," Matt whispered in my ear. And I snapped out of it. "It's time to say 'bye' to the guys."

"I don't want to leave, Matt." I looked at my legs, how they were across his lap. I stood up, throwing my backpack over my shoulder, Matt stood up afterwards. My eyes were glued to the carpeted floor. He tucked his fingers under my chin and lifted my gaze to his.

"Hey, I'm scared about leaving you too," Matt paused. "But it's okay. Because-- because I love you, Kylie. I love you so, so much."

I froze. He said it. He said 'I love you'.

"I-I." I stuttered. "I love you too, Matt. I love you a lot."

Our first I love you.

Our gazes were locked onto each other's. He tilted his head and leaned in, and we kissed.

Our first kiss.

I threw my arms around his neck, his around my waist, and he lifted me in the air slightly. I bent my legs back and rested my head on his shoulder.

All of this was cliche. All of it. But I like cliche, even though it's common or an 'only in the movies' experience, it doesn't mean it can't happen. Matt and I take cliche moments and make them better, at least they all feel better.

Nash walked over to us. He had a smile on his face. Matt put me back down, and I walked back over to my brother.

"What are you smiling at, Stupid?" I asked.

"You. You and Matt. You love him, don't you?" The growing smile on his face was making me happy.

"Yeah, I love him a lot."

"And you're grown up. I've never seen you this happy. Now you're smiling 24/7 and you're in love. I'm happy for you, sis." His smile was warm, it was real. My eyes watered in thankful joy that Nash wouldn't hate Matt.

"perfect."||Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now