Chapter 1

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"Elliot," my aunt says one night while we are eating our dinner, "I have exciting news!"

Oh no, I think. Her news are always horrible for me!

"You are getting married!" she squeals.

"What?" I exclaim jumping up.

"Calm down," she says.

"Calm down? Calm down! You just told me I am getting married, Aunt Elizabeth, and you want me to calm down?" I exclaim.

"Yes, Elliot," she says calmly. "I do expect you to calm down. You are sixteen, which is the age that most girls get married."

"Exactly! I'm sixteen! I'm so young! I want to see the world outside of our little village!"

She stands up, "Elliot, you are getting married and I don't want to hear another word about it!"

"Then I guess you won't, Aunt Elizabeth, because I'm not staying!" I yell and run out of our tent.

I run to the edge of the village and sit down.

I'm going to run away, I think. To a new village.

Yeah, right. What village would I go to? I've lived in the East Earth Village my whole life. I'm an Earthlord, anywhere else I would go I wouldn't belong.

But you don't belong here. You're weaker than the youngest toddler to practice Earth magic.

I don't want to admit it, but I know it's true. Everyone in the Earth Kingdom can practice Earth magic except me. I have the hardest times with the simplest things.

After a few more minutes of the mental battle in my head, I hear sirens go off.

"What the..?" I mutter.

The sirens going off are the war sirens.

"This makes no sense!" I say to myself.

We are the smallest village in all of Kinwaë. Why are we being attacked?

I run back to the village to see the Firelords attacking us. There are soldiers everywhere and ships in the sky.

What do I do? I ask myself.

Find Aunt Elizabeth! Is the immediate answer.

While running back to the tent, I bump into someone.

"Elliot!" the person exclaims.

I look up, "Aunt Elizabeth!"

"We need to go right now!" she says breathlessly.

"But we need to stay and help the villagers!" I answer.

"Now!" she yells and runs toward the woods.

I sigh and run after her.

After we are a good few miles from the village, she stops and I fall over completely out of breath.

"Why...did...we run?" I gasp.

"Elliot," my aunt says so gravely that I look at confusedly, "I'm sorry."

Hey, guys!

I finally came up with an idea! Yay! Anyway, sorry about the cover, it won't freaking load! And sorry for the sucky chapter I was having writer's block. (In the first chapter lol)

I hope you guys like my story! Please comment and vote if you like it!

Thanks, guys!

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