Chapter 11

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"When I was about fifteen," Weston starts, "my parents abandoned my younger brother and I. We had nowhere to go so I brought him into the woods with me. I learned to steal and fight. Eventually, I taught my little brother to do that as well. It was how we survived. One day, though, my brother took it too far. He was inexperienced but he tried to steal from these thugs anyway. They caught him and killed him. When I found out, I was so angry. First, my parents abandon me, then my brother is killed. I felt like I had lost everything. I beat one of the four thugs to death because of my anger. The others ran away before I could kill them too. Ever since that, my name has been pretty well known by those who travel frequently in the forest."

"Wow," is all I can say.

"Yeah," he replies.

"Have you killed anyone since?" I ask timidly.

"No," he answers. "Don't worry, Elliot, it won't happen again. I promise."

"Are you sure?" I ask.

He stops me and looks me directly in the eyes, "I promise, Elliot."

I nod and we start walking again.

"So, how about you and Ethan?" Weston asks.

I had completely forgotten about him. I turn around and see that he is still there.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I answer him, "What about us?"

"Are you guys, like, together?" he replies.

I can't help myself and start laughing. Weston and Ethan both look at me funny.

"Are you ok, Elliot?" Ethan asks, glaring at Weston.

"Yeah," I reply, calming down, "I'm good."

I take one last deep breath before answering Weston, "I don't even remember the guy. When he tried to kiss me the other day, it just felt...wrong."

I don't mention that it also felt right.

"So, you're not together?" he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

"No," I confirm.

All he does is nod. This makes me nervous.

"Why did you want to know?" I ask.

"Just wondering why a pretty girl like you doesn't have a boyfriend," he shrugs nonchalantly.

I stop, "What?"

He stops as well, "Just wondering why Ethan hasn't asked you out yet. I wouldn't waste my time with a pretty girl like you. Who knows what kind of jerk could end up with you?"

I just shake my head and continue walking. Then, I open my mouth to say something back to Weston when Ethan calls to me, "Elliot!"

I slow down and come into stride with Ethan, "Yeah?"

"What was Weston saying to you?" he asks.

"Why does it matter?" I snap.

"Calm down, Elliot!" he says.

"Why should I calm down when you're constantly on my back, Ethan?" I ask furiously.

"When have I ever been on your back before?" he argues.

"Ever since Weston came into the picture!" I exclaim.

"Because I don't trust him!" he answers.

"Why not?" I ask.

He is silent.

"Why not?" I demand.

He won't look me in the eye.

"Tell me, Ethan!" I yell at him.

"I just don't," he replies quietly.

"But why not?" I ask, equally as quiet.

"I don't know," he whispers without looking at me.

"That's not an answer!" I explode.

"Please, Elliot," he pleads, "just trust me."

"Why, Ethan?" I ask. "Just tell me why."

Ethan won't look at me and I throw my hands up. I laugh hysterically. Moving ahead, I yell back to Ethan, "I should have never trusted you!"

When I get up to where Weston is, he asks, "You ok? I heard that little debate back there."

"I'm fine," I grumble.

"Good," he replies, "because we're here."

My head snaps up and I see a little cottage in a clearing in the woods.

"This is where I'm suppose to get my memory back?" I ask with a snort.

"Yeah," Weston replies almost scared. "Just be careful and follow my lead."

He walks toward the cottage. I take a deep breath before following him to the clearing.

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