Chapter 24

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I wake up to the sun shining in my face.  Groaning, I roll over to see Shane still asleep. I smile at the scene. His hair is almost covering his eyes and his mouth is slightly open. He looks cute.

This thought startles me a bit. I've never thought someone was "cute" before. It's a weird feeling. It makes me think of something else, though. It makes me think of my village.

I think of my last morning in my village. It was a startling one. Aunt Elizabeth had told me I was to be married. Before this journey, that was the worst news I've ever gotten. I wonder who I was suppose to be married to? Aunt Elizabeth never told me. Ok, I ran away before she could. I kind of wish I knew who it was. This also makes me wonder if the person is still alive. It makes me wonder who survived the attack. I hope everyone, if not, almost everyone did.

I slowly stand up and grab my sword. In our practice last night, Shane had shown me a couple of ways to use my sword. I try to practice them. However, even the slightest movements make me hurt. I am sore from the fight last night. Still, I manage to practice a little before Shane wakes up.

I hear a grunt, and I turn around. Shane is rolling over. It takes him a while to get up. Once he is all the way up, I tell him good morning. All I get is a grunt in reply. Apparently, Shane is not a morning person. I stifle a laugh and continue practicing.

Shane must either wake up really quick or never be too tired to correct me because that's all he does. Several times I have to take deep breaths, trying not to stab him with my sword.

"You need to do this," he says showing me a movement.

I do my best to imitate him exactly. Apparently, I fail because Shane takes a deep breath and curses.

"I can't do this," he mutters. "You just won't listen!"

"Excuse me," I start. "I'm sorry I'm not perfect. I'm trying, ok? Not everyone is born as skilled as you. Some of us have to work hard for stuff. We don't live in a castle where we can do whatever we want. Some of us actually have things that they're working toward. Not everything is given to them!"

"Are you kidding me?" he yells. "I may have lived in a castle but nothing was given to me! I may not have had to work as hard as some people but I still had to work hard because my parents didn't want me. Did you hear that? They didn't want me. I didn't have an aunt who took me in. I didn't have an entire other village to go to!"

"At least I don't need to bring up the same sob story every time to get pity from a random girl!"I reply angrily.

He stares at me in shock. The words I said register in my head. I am horrified I could say such a thing.

"Shane," I start.

"No, Elliot," he replies, "you're right. I shouldn't need pity from a...random girl."

"Shane, that's not-"

"Not what?" he asks. "Not what you meant? That's what you said."

"Shane, just stop!" I yell.

He just looks at me.

"Please," I whisper. "Listen to me please."

"I'd rather not," he replies softly.

He leans in and we share our second kiss.

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