Chapter 32

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*The morning of her coronation*

I wake up to a knock at my door. Before answering the door, I take a quick peek out the window. The sun's position shows that it's only about five a.m. Who could be here at five a.m.? I sigh, walk over to the door, and open it for whomever is crazy enough to wake me up at this ungodly hour.

As soon as the door is open a crack, Willyn barges into the room with a team of six women behind her.

"Elliot," Willyn says, "this is your makeup, hair, and wardrobe team. They are getting you ready this morning. It is about five a.m., so you only have five hours to get ready and be in the dining room. Good luck."

Only five hours? Is that not enough?

With that, she strolls out of the room and one of the women with purple hair begins to work on my hair with two other women. Two others begin to pull things out of their bags and put it on my face with various brushes. I assume they are putting makeup on my face. The final woman walks circles around me and inspects me. She must be the wardrobe lady.

They work for about four and a half hours. Once they are finally finished, the wardrobe lady disappears into my closet for a couple minutes. When she comes out, she is holding the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It is sleeveless, with a slender midriff. There are silver rhinestones on parts of the midriff in the shape of a shooting star. At the waist, it poofs out. The bottom part has a few silver rhinestones  around the top, as well. The dress is midnight blue.

Everybody helps me to put the dress on without messing up my hair or makeup. The wardrobe lady, whose name I should learn, then hands me four inch midnight blue heels with a strap around the ankle and one over the toes. At first, I have trouble walking in them, but I get used to them after a couple minutes.

The lady with the purple hair checks something around her wrist before ushering us out of the room because we are almost late to meet Her Highness. I almost laugh about the highness thing, but refrain because it is most likely frowned upon.

We burst into the dining room late, and Willyn is visibly annoyed. As soon as I enter, she walks over, grabs me by the arm, and drags me away while complaining about my tardiness. She walks so fast that I almost trip over my heels several times. Luckily, I catch myself every time.

Willyn slows her pace as we near a set of double doors. She stops in front of the doors and I have a second to catch my breath.

"Elliot," Willyn says. I turn to face her and see that there are tears in her eyes. "I wish you the best of luck in your ice freezing. You look so beautiful and I wish your mother could be here to see you."

The last comment catches me off guard. I thought she killed my mother. I figure that now is the best time to ask her.

"I-I thought you killed her?" I barely choke out the words.

She shakes her head. "I did not. Your mother met your father when she was fifteen. They instantly fell in love. She wanted to marry him and they could rule together. Our father denied it and said that if she was to marry him, then she was to leave. So she did. Our mother followed after her because our father became very violent after Winter left, so my mother fled and left me here with him. People started asking questions about Winter's disappearance. My father did not want it to be made out as his fault, so he put the blame on me and had a sorcerer put a spell on your mother, father, and grandmother. He then made up a story about how it was all my fault. I'm sorry."

I choke back tears. My own mother didn't even deny the rumors she knew weren't true. She left and let her sister take all the blame. How could she do that? I hug Willyn and tell her that I am sorry.

"You didn't do anything, Elliot. You have no reason to be sorry," she tells me.

"My mother did, though. I am sorry on her behalf," I reply.

Willyn smiles with tears streaming down her face. The doors then creak. They begin to slowly open. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. It is time for the coronation.

"Good luck," Willyn says before lightly pushing me out.

I step outside onto a balcony. There is a bowl of water and a priest holding a purple pillow with a staff and a ring on it.

"Princess Elliot," the priest introduces me to the crowd below. They erupt in cheers. This makes the butterflies flutter nervously.

I approach the edge of the balcony and give a little smile and wave to the crowd below. This makes the cheers louder. The priest has to wave his free hand to quiet down before he can speak.

"Princess Elliot must now perform the water freezing spell. It is a spell that has been completed by no other queen or king before," he says.

He turns to me and slightly nods his head telling me it is time to do it. I take a nervous breath and turn toward the bowl of water. I close my eyes and steady my breaths like Willyn taught me. In my head, I picture the bowl of water freezing. I can feel it freezing. At first, it is very slow. It goes from one sixteenth to one eighth. Then, one fourth to one half. Then, to three fourths. Then, it begins to get harder. My breaths become shallow and I have to will it much harder. It is a tiring process. I will it on until there is one inch of water left. I take my deepest breath yet and will it with all my might to freeze. A couple seconds later, I hear a collective gasp. I open my eyes to see that the entire bowl of water is now ice. I did it!

At first, it is deathly silent. Then, all at once, cheers go up from every part of the village. It goes on for minutes because I have rendered the priest speechless. Eventually, he realizes what has happened and is able to quiet the crowd.

"Princess Elliot, you are the first of any royal to complete this task," he begins, but the cheers begin again. The priest quiets them down immediately. "Princess Elliot, you have completed a task that no one has completed before you. You are the most powerful yet, and we believe that you will guide us in the right direction. For this, you will be coronated today. We ask Her Highness, Queen Willyn to please come forward."

Willyn walks out onto the balcony with the biggest smile on her face. I can see the proudness in her eyes, and I feel something I have not felt in a long time. I feel happy. Once Willyn has stopped next to me, the priest begins again.

"We will now do the ceremony of crowns. The crown that Queen Willyn wears will be given to Princess Elliot." He takes the crown off of Willyn's head and I bow my head as he places it on mine. He puts the ring from the pillow on my finger and hands me the staff to hold. "I  give you your new queen. Queen Elliot Emilia of the Water Kingdom!"

Hey, guys!

The book is over! I can't believe it. This is officially the second story I have finished on Wattpad and ever. I can't believe it's already over! I can't believe the ending sucked so bad, also. I got really lazy toward the end sorry.

Anyway, I hope you had as much fun reading this as I did writing it. Thank you so much for sticking with me through the sucky chapters and all the twists. I love you all so much for staying with me through this.

Three more things:
1. Who was your favorite character?
2. Watch for the epilogue!
3. Please check out my new story! It's called The Bad Boy's Snowflake

Thanks so much, guys!

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