Chapter 16

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"Hey, Samantha," I say.

Please don't let her have heard our conversation. Please, please please.

"Hey, Elliot," she says, very cheerfully. "You're awake!"

I don't think she heard. I mentally sigh with relief.

"Yeah," I smile. "Thank you so much for letting me stay here."

"It's no problem at all. I just hope you're feeling better," she smiles a little too sweetly.

"I am," I reply just as sweet.

After more than enough awkward silence, I speak, "Weston and I should get going if we are ever going to find Ethan."

She frowns, "You just woke up. Maybe you should rest."

"Samantha's right, Elliot," Weston speaks. "Maybe you should rest."

"What about Ethan?" I argue.

"Wha about him?" Samantha asks.

I glare at her before speaking to Weston, "Who knows what he could be going though right now? We have to find him before something bad happens."

Weston bites the inside of his lip and doesn't answer.

I scoff, "Fine, then! I'll go after him myself."

"Elliot," he starts.

"No, Weston," I stop him. "Ethan is my friend and I'm going to find him before anything bad can happen to him."

I stand and walk toward the door, but Weston steps in my way.

"Move," I order him.

"No," he says simply.

"Weston, move or I swear I'll-"

"You'll what, Elliot?" he asks annoyed. "Punch me? Kick me? I can handle it."

"Weston," I warn him, "I'm sick of this game. If you don't move in seven seconds, you're going to regret it."

He just stands there and looks at me. I shrug and begin counting.

"1, 2, 3," I slyly move my hand to the handle of the frying pan on the table. "4, 5, 6," I grab the handle. "7!"

I yank the pan off the table and slam it into Weston's shoulder.

"Ow!" he yells and grabs his shoulder.

Using this as a distraction, I push Weston to the side and bolt out the door.

"Elliot! Elliot!" I hear him yell after me.

I just keep running.

If he cared about me or Ethan, he would come after me.

You did hit him in the shoulder with a frying pan. That would make it hard to run.

He could still make more of an effort or be less of a baby! I argue with myself.

When I run out of breath, I realize I don't know where I'm going and my head has begun to softly hurt. I shake it off.

Just keep walking in the direction Finnick left in. You're bound to find them.

Or vice versa.

I shudder at the thought.

Hey, guys!

Sorry this is so short! I know I say this all the time, but they really will get longer. Meanwhile, go check out my friends!

Thanks, guys!

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