Chapter 20

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"I'm sorry for running out," I apologize to Sam.

"It's all right, I guess," is his reply.

I mentally roll my eyes. "I was just mad that you said you wouldn't help."

He just nods and half ignores me. This time, I really roll my eyes. I stand there waiting for his response. Eventually, he catches on and actually speaks to me.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Why don't you change and come down." He gives me directions to where they eat.

I nod and say thank you. He stands there and I look at him expectantly. It takes Sam a moment to catch on to why I'm staring at him, but when he does, he leaves. I close my eyes and sigh at how stupid he is.

A couple minutes after Sam leaves, I crack open the door to see if anybody is around. After deciding no one is near, I follow the directions Shane gave me. I walk down several oddly painted and decorated corridors until I reach the garden. I'm amazed at the fact that it's already dark.

I walk to the center of the garden and reach a little courtyard. Sitting on a bench is Shane.

"Hey," I whisper when I'm near him.

"Hey," he smiles.

"Are you ready?" I ask him.

"Yes," he answers. "I have food and weapons. Are you sure Sam didn't see you leave?"

I nod. "I'm positive."

"Good," he whispers. "Let's go."

I smile at the adrenaline I feel coursing through my body. Running away from somewhere never gets less exciting and nerve-wracking. Shane tosses me a bag, and I put it on. He starts to sneak around the garden, and I follow closely behind. Neither of us make a sound.

Finally, we reach the edge of the garden. Shane sprints into the night, as do I. We run until we reach the edge of the village. Shane seems to hesitate for just a second before running at full speed once more.

He and I run until we are a good mile from the edge of the village. By now, the moon is directly above us. Shane stops suddenly.

"Let's make camp here," he suggests.

"O-ok," I answer.

He pulls a sleeping bag out of the bag he is carrying. I pull one out of mine as well.

"We should take turns keeping watch," I suggest.

"Good idea," he replies. "I'll take first watch."

Too tired to argue, I nod and climb into the sleeping bag. Sleep hits me as soon as I lie my head down.


"Elliot! Elliot!" Shane whispers.

I groan.

"Elliot, get up now!" he says urgently.

Immediately, I shoot up and reach for my knife.

"What is it?" I whisper.

"I don't know," he replies. "I heard something, though."

We both stand completely still. Nothing is heard for quite a while. I am the first to move.

"It was probably the wind, Shane," I tell him.

"It wasn't," he insists.

I just sigh and get ready to go back to bed. Suddenly, I hear a thump. I turn and see that four men are surrounding us. Men that I know all too well.

"Hello, beautiful," Finnick says.

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