This is not happening.

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"So (y/n) you like my music?" "I absolutely love it are you kidding me? It has so much meaning behind it, every single song gets me emotional! It's seriously heart-warming" "why thank you that's what I was trying to accomplish." "Well than you did an excellent job in accomplishing what you wanted to do." "Thanks:)"

Nick walks over to Justin and I.

"Hey guys, I'm going to go meet up with the boys before the soundcheck begins. I'll be back in like an hour! Make sure you're talking about singing and nothing else!" "Nick, I promise we'll get something done. Lol." "Alright alright (y/n), I'll be back. See you guys in about an hour! Justin don't do anything to her okay!" "Seriously Nick, I would never do that to you. We'll be fine, promise!" "Alright well since I have both promises from the two of you, I'm going to go. Bye guys." Both: "bye Nick. We'll see you afterwords"

Nick walks out of the dressing room leaving Justin and I alone.

"Okay so about that."

Before I could say anything else Justin immediately moved in for a kiss on the lips.

"OMFG I'm so sorry." "Oh no, it's okay. Please continue."

Justin and I go back to kissing each other when I end up almost undoing his shirt and then I hear a knock on the door.

"JUSTIN! Open the door man! It's almost time for soundcheck"

The both of us stop kissing & I look at him.

"OMG no seriously what just happened? NO, we can't do this. I'm going to go. Uhm I'll see you after the concert. Bye Justin.

I grab my pocketbook , my cell phone and start walking towards the door.

"No (y/n) wait!" "BYE!"

I open the door & Alfredo's standing there. "Oh hi Alfredo. Uhm I'm going to go find Nick, see you in a bit. Bye"

I leave the two of them in the room alone.

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