This needs to stop

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I look at my clock & it gets to be 9:30pm when I decide to get up out of bed & walk downstairs. When I get downstairs I still see Justin & my dad sitting their watching tv.

"Hey Justin." "Yeah babe." "It's getting late I think it's time to go." "But the game isn't over yet." "I don't care. I think you should go home." "Ugh okay. Hey mr. ____ let me what happens alright?"

My dad's still watching the television

"You got it Justin."

Justin gets up from the couch, grabs his stuff, grabs my hand & we walk out of the house together. We walk towards his car & I'm standing against the passenger side door.

"So I say tonight went better than expected." "Yeah." "You okay?" "Yeah I'm fine why?" "I don't know you just don't seem yourself." "Nope, I'm okay." "Alright, so I'll see you tomorrow. You're going back to the studio tomorrow right?" "Yeah, I'll call you when I'm leaving." "Okay babe. Love you." "Love you too."

He leans in to give me a kiss & I kind of back out of it quickly.

"Uhm okay, bye (y/n)." "Bye Justin."

I start walking away towards my house in a bad mood until Justin grabs my hand & turns me around.

"Wait." "What?" "Seriously tell me what's wrong. I know you're not happy." "I am happy Justin, now can you please go home." "No not until you tell me why you're upset." "Fine you want me to tell you why I'm upset?" "Yes I do." "You told me that you were going to come relax with me after dinner tonight & than my dad and you start talking about sports & when we were done with everything you left me to sit there while you and my dad went into the living room to watch hockey, and nonetheless you said you would come upstairs after the first quarter & I'm pretty sure that ended a long time ago yet you never came up." "I'm sorry babe. I know your dad didn't like me so I just thought I'd leave a good impression on him." "I'm sure after tonight's dinner you left a mighty fine impression on him but I would of liked to spend some time with my boyfriend." "I know and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I swear." "You don't have too." "No I am, promise. I'll see you tomorrow at the studio get a good nights rest gorgeous." "Alright. You too. I'll call you when I leave tomorrow." "Okay. Bye (y/n)." "Bye Justin."

He goes in for another kiss before walking towards his car & I walk towards my house. I wait until Justin drives away & he waves at me before exiting my driveway. I wave back & walk back into my house.

"Well dad I hope tonight went well for you." "It did, I realized that he's not so bad after all, I could actually get used to him being here all the time." "Hey he is my boyfriend don't take all my time with him." "I know darling, I'm sorry. I'm happy for you two." "Thanks daddy. I think I'm going to go up & hit the sheets." "Didn't you just take a nap before?" "Yeah, I don't think I'm actually going to fall asleep for a while but I'll go up and watch some tv." "Alright darling, I'll see you in the morning." "Okay dad. Night." "Night hun." "Night mom!" *mom from kitchen* "night sweetheart."

I go back upstairs into my bedroom and shut my door. I grab my remote & turn on the tv to see that the notebook is on one of the movie channels & I just think about what happened the last time I watched this movie. I slowly close my eyes & look at my clock. It's 11:30pm & I have to be up early tomorrow. I close my eyes & get a good nights sleep.

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